Chapter 24 and 25 Flashcards
Breaking Down of food into small fragments
Taking In of food
Cells of the pancreas that produce hormones
Pancreatic islets
The Passage of Small Molecules from the lumen of the GI tract into the blood
The Elimination of Indigestible substances from the anus
The Release of Water and other substances into the digestive tract
Gastrointestinal tract layer contains the Muscularis Mucosae
Gastrointestinal tract layer contains the Myenteric Plexus
Muscularis Externa
Gastrointestinal tract layer contains the Submucosal Plexus
Gastrointestinal tract layer Faces the lumen
Gastrointestinal tract layer Covers the GI tract
Layer of the Muscularis Externa provides the motility of the tract
Longitudinal Muscle
layer of the muscularis externa controls passage of material through the tract
Circular muscle layer
Layer of the GI tract innervated by the Myenteric Plexus
Muscularis externa
Layer of the GI tract is innervated by the Submucosal Plexus
Muscularis mucosae
Layer lines the Wall of the abdominopelvic cavity
Layer lines the External surfaces of the abdominopelvic organs
Fold of mucosa that attaches the Lips to the gums
Labial frenulum
Fold of mucosa that attaches the Tongue to the floor of the mouth
Lingual frenulum
The Space of the mouth located between the cheeks and lips and gums and teeth
Oral Cavity Proper
Part of the tooth that contains the Pulp Cavity
Mucosal membrane that lines the external surface of the Tooth Sockets
Lines the internal surface of the tooth sockets and Binds the Tooth
Peridontal Ligament
Structures that house the teeth
Alveolar Process
Region of the tooth is visible Above the Level of the Gums
Region of the tooth Embedded in the Tooth Socket
Region of the tooth is a Constricted line between the top and bottom regions
Number of Adult teeth in each quadrant
Number of Baby teeth in each quadrant
Tooth lies between the Central Incisor and canine
Lateral Incisor
Tooth lies in between First Premolar and first molar
2nd Premolar
Tooth lies in between the first premolar and Lateral incisor
Tooth lies in between the Second premolar and second molar
First molar
Covers the Dentin of the crown
Covers the dentin of the tooth root
The opening between the oral cavity and oropharynx
Muscle of the Soft Palate connects the uvula to the Tongue
Palatoglossal arch
Muscle of the Soft Palate connects the uvula to the Throat
Palatopharyngeal arch
Has an effect on the tongue that Alters Shape and size for speech and swallowing
Intrinsic muscles
Has an effect on the tongue that Moves it Side to Side and in and Out
Extrinsic muscles
Papillae of the tongue that is Mushroom shaped and contain most of the taste buds
Fungiform papillae
Papillae of the tongue that are arranged in an inverted “V” and contain taste buds
Circumvallate papillae
Papillae of the tongue that are Conical and cover most of the tongue
Filiform papillae
Salivary gland located near the ear and has its secretions carried through a Duct which Empties into the vestibule
Salivary gland is located near the base of the tongue and has its secretions Carried through a Duct which empties into the oral cavity lateral to the lingual frenulum
Submandibular duct
salivary amylase breaks it down
salivary lipase breaks it down
the pharyngeal stage of deglutition moves the bolus from the pharynx into the…
the voluntary stage of deglutition moves the bolus into the…
the esophageal stage of deglutition moves the bolus into the…
allows the bolus to enter the esophagus
upper esophageal sphincter
allows the bolus to enter the stomach
lower esophageal sphincter
region of the stomach that contains a sphincter for passage of the chyme into the duodenum
pylorus region
region of the stomach that surrounds the superior opening of the stomach
cardia region
region of the stomach that is the site of the main mixing action
body region
region of the stomach that is mainly a storage area
fundus region
a thin liquid formed from the broken down bolus mixed with the gastric juices
gastric gland cell secretes pepsinogen
cheif cells
gastric gland cell secretes mucus
mucous neck cells
gastric gland cell secretes HCl
parietal cells
HCl and pepsin activate…
peptin breaks down…
peptide bonds
gastric lipase breaks down…
the right and left hepatic duct join to form the…
Common hepatic duct
common hepatic duct and the cystic duct join to form
common bile duct
drains the gallbladder
cystic duct
drains the pancreas
pancreatic duct
finger like mucosal projections in the small intestine
rhythmic localized constriction caused by circular muscle contractions
the sphincter that separates the last part of the small intestine with the first part of the large intestine
ileocecal valve
colon attached to the rectum
sigmoid colon
is the sold remains after water absorption from chyme
principal pigment in bile
bile pigment formed by bacteria
brush border in the small intestine
colon located on the right side of the abdomen
colon located on the left side of the abdomen
the defecation reflex is stimulated by this autonomic nerve
parasympathetic sacral nn
gut brain hormones secreted by the endocrine cells of the GI tract stimulate…
ghrelin is secreted by parietal cells in…
fundus of stomach
secreted by cells of the ileum and colon
peptide yy
secreted by cells of the duodenum and jejunum
stimulates hypothalamus to release HGH releasing hormones
the long term regulators of appetite
leptin and insulin
= 9 kcal
carb and protein
= 4 kcal each
nutrients that cannot be produced by the body
essential nutrients
nutrients consumed in large amounts. Ex. proteins, fats, carbs
nutrients needed in small amounts. Ex. minerals and vitamins
chains containing repeating 2 sugar units. Ex. sucrose, maltose, lactose
decreases blood cholesterol and LDL levels. EX. folic acid, B12, riboflavin
water soluble fiber
absorbs water in intestines, softens stool, gives it bulk, speeds transit time. EX. vitamins A, D, E, K
water insoluble fiber
carries large amounts of cholesterol in the blood
serum lipoprotein
high levels of this lipoprotein correlates with cholesterol being deposited in the arteries
high levels of this lipoprotein correlates with cholesterol being removed from the arteries
are synthesized by the body
fatty acids
children ingest more nitrogen than they can excrete
positive nitrogen balance
body proteins being broken down for fuel (muscle atrophy)
negative nitrogen balance
water soluble vitamins
vitamin c and b
produces 2 molecules of ATP and in the absence of oxygen produces lactic acid as its end product
electron transport chain takes place here and produces 36 ATPs
mitochondrial membrane
synthesis of glycogen
breaking down of glycogen
synthesis of glucose from a noncarbohydrate
formation of ketone bodies
the synthesis of lipids from amino acids
breaking down of lipids for energy
heat loss transfers body heat
heat loss transfers body heat into the surrounding air
part of the brain that controls thermoregulation
muscle spasms due to electrolyte imbalace from excessive sweating
heat cramps
exposure to excessive heat
severe electrolyte imbalance producing fainting and dizziness
heat exhaustion
body temperature greater than 104 F
heat stroke