Chapter 24 Flashcards
- A polymer made up of many copies of a single repeating unit
- A polymer made up of one type of monomer unit
Glycogen Overview
- Glycogen = highly branched homopolymer of glucose that is present in all tissues
- The largest stores of glycogen are in the liver and muscle
- Liver breaks down glycogen and releases glucose to blood to provide energy for the brain and RBC
- Muscle glycogen stores are mobilized to provide energy for muscle contraction
Glycogen Structure
- Structure of glycogen is a straight chain w/ alpha-1,4-glycosidic linkages between glucose molecules
- Branching will take place every 10th residue w/ an alpha-1,6-glycosodic bond
- The ends (or exterior) of chain are non-reducing w/ a free – OH group
Glycogen – Breakdown Overview
For the breakdown of glycogen, 4 enzymes are required: glycogen –> glucose-6-phosphate
- 1 enzyme is required to degrade glycogen and release glucose-1-phosphate
- 2 enzymes are required to remodel glycogen (on a bifunctional enzyme in eukaryotes
–> the enzymes ensure that glycogen remains a substrate and produces some free glucose (no phosphate)
- 1 enzyme converts the product of glycogen breakdown into a usable product ~ glucose-6-phosphate
Glycogen – Breakdown: Step 1
Glycogen phosphorylase = key regulatory enzyme that degrades glycogen from non-reducing ends of the glycogen molecule
- Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes a phosphorolysis reaction that yields (produces) glucose-1-phospate
- Phosphorolysis reaction breaks down alpha-,1,4 glycosidic bonds using orthophosphate
- Phosphate gets attached to C-1 of glucose that is released
- Glucose-1-phosphate is then converted into glucose-6-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase
What is phosphorolysis?
The cleavage of a bond by orthophosphate, as in the degradation of glycogen to glucose 1-phosphate
Hydrolysis reactions use water to split bigger molecules into smaller ones, phosphorolysis reactions use phosphate instead for the same purpose
Glycogen – Breakdown: Step 2
During glycogen breakdown, a problem will arise ~ glycogen phosphorylase can’t cleave (split) 4 glucose resides near the branch point and can only cleave (split) alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds (aka, it can’t leave the alpha-1,6 glycosidic bonds)
Solution: requires 2-additional enzymes ~ transferase and de-branching enzyme
- Transferase enzyme: shifts a small oligosaccharide near the branch point to a nearby chain, thereby making glucose moieties more accessible to the phosphorylase
- De-branching enzyme (alpha-1,6-glucosidase): will cleave the alpha-1,6-glycosidic bonds at the branch point, releasing a free glucose
Glycogen – Breakdown: Step 3
Phosphoglucomutase converts glucose-1-phosphate into glucose-6-phosphate w/ the use of glucose-1,6-bisphosphate intermediate
- This reaction is important as glucose-6-phosphate is used in glycolysis
- Transfer for phosphoryl groups is facilitated by serine residues in enzyme. Phosphoryl group from serine in phosphoglucomutase enzyme active site is transferred from enzyme to the substrate, glucose-1-phosphate
- This generates a glucose 1,6-bisphosphate intermediate
- Phosphoryl group on C1 of substrate is transferred to serine residue of enzyme to restore enzyme to its initial state
- Reaction generates glucose-6-phosphate, which will be utilized in glycolysis
Glycogen – Breakdown: Step 4
The liver contains glucose-6-phosphatase, a hydrolytic enzyme
Glucose-6-phosphatase generate glucose from glucose-6-phosphate in liver
The free glucose is released into blood for use by other tissues, such as brain and RBC
Glucose-6-phosphatase is absent in most other tissues. Notably absent in muscle
Key regulatory enzyme for glycogen degradation = glycogen phosphorylase, which has two forms. What are the two forms and how do they differ?
- B-less active
- A-more active
A-form differs from B-form by the phosphorylation of a serine residue in A-form
Describe some of the difference between A-form and B-form of glycogen phosphorylase
A form and B form each display an R to T-state equilibrium
- R-state is favored
- Serine phosphorylated
- Usually inactive b/c the equilibrium factors R-state
- Active site is unobstructed (accessible)
- T-state is favored
- Serine unphosphorylated
- Usually inactive b/c the equilibrium factors T-state
- Active state is partial partially blocked by a regulatory structure
—> The regulatory site is site of glucose binding, which serves as an allosteric regulator of enzyme activity
Regulating Glycolysis – Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase
- Key role of liver is to maintain adequate blood glucose level
- Liver phosphorylase produces glucose for use by other tissues. This, the default state of liver phosphorylase is in A form in R state. In essence, liver phosphorylase is prepared to generate blood glucose unless signaled otherwise
- Glucose is a negative regulator of liver phosphorylase and a negative regulator/feedback inhibitor
- When there’s ample amounts of glucose, glucose binds to active site and shifts enzyme to T state, in active
- Hormonal regulation will also influence enzyme activity: Glucagon and epinephrine will activate enzyme by signaling phosphorylation of serine residue
- Insulin will deactivate enzyme by signaling dephosphorylation of serine residue
Regulating Glycolysis – Muscle Glycogen Phosphorylase
- Muscle phosphorylase is regulated by intercellular energy charge
- In muscle, default form of phosphorylase is B form in T state
- When energy is needed in cell, as signaled by increase in concentration of AMP, the phosphorylase binds AMP which stabilizes R state
- When there is lots of energy in cell, which is signaled by ATP and glucose 6-phosphate
- Binding stabilizes the T state. The T state of phosphorylase is stabilized by ATP and glucose-6-phosphate
Biochemical Characteristics of Muscle Fiber Types Differ
The biochemical characteristics of muscles will differ by fiber types and the muscle is composed of several fiber types:
- Type I, or slow-twitch fibers rely primarily on cellular respiration for ATP generation
- Type IIb (type IIx), or fast-twitch fibers rely primarily on lactic acid fermentation for ATP generation
- Type IIa fibers have biochemical characteristics that are intermediate between the other fiber types
- Type IIb fibers are rich in glycogen phosphorylase
What is phosphorylase kinase? Describe how phosphorylation of phosphorlyase kinase works
Glycogen phosphorylase phosphorylation at the serine residue requires a kinase ~ phosphorylase kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase
Phosphorylase kinase:
- is a large multimeric enzyme with a mass of ~1300 kDa and multiple subunits
- exists in two forms: A less active, B more active
- The A-form differs from B-form by the phosphorylation of serine residue 14
- Phosphorylase kinase is regulated by phosphorylation & calcium binding
- Phosphorylation is stimulated by hormones glucagon and epinephrine
- Phosphorylation alters the active site so that the alpha helices that partially block the active site in the B form are removed
- Phosphorylase kinase is phosphorylated by PKA
- The delta δ (delta) subunit of phosphorylase kinase is the calcium sensor calmodulin
- Phosphorylase kinase is maximally activated when phosphorylated and bound to calcium
BRAIN Phosphorylase: an isozymic form
- An isozyme form of glycogen phosphorylase was identified in brain. It is stimulated by AMP but also regulated by a redox switch
- Brain glycogen phosphorylase may be a target of dithiocarbamates ~ organosulfur compounds with a variety of uses in industry and agriculture
- Research suggests that the dithiocarbamate pesticide, ex. thiram, disrupts the redox switch of brain phosphorylase, which may account for some neurological toxicity
Epinephrine & Glucagon Signaling. Describe the pathway and the process
In fasting condition, when there’s low blood glucose, hormone glucagon will facilitate glycogen breakdown in liver to allow glucose to be released into bloodstream
In exercise condition, epinephrine enhances glycogen breakdown in muscle and liver to provide fuel for muscle contraction
- G Proteins transmit signal for the initiation of glycogen breakdown
- Glucagon (in liver) and epinephrine (in muscle) initiate G-protein cascades that result in production of cAMP
- Calcium, released in muscle to stimulate contraction, initiates activation of phosphorylase kinase
- In liver, Ca2+ release is stimulated by epinephrine binding to α-adrenergic receptor, which activates a G-protein, instigating the phosphoinositide cascade
- Cyclic AMP activates PKA, which phosphorylates and completes the activation of phosphorylase kinase
- Phosphorylase kinase converts glycogen phosphorylase b to a form, activating glycogen degradation