Chapter 2.3 Recruitment, Selection And Trainning Of Employees Flashcards
Process of employing someone at which applications have arrived at the business
Employee selection
Process of evaluating candidates for a specific job
Roles of Human Resources department (rmb at least 3)
- recruitment and selection
- setting wages and salaries
- training programmes
- health and safety(acting according to the laws of health and safety)
Recruitment process. (when a business is in need of employees)
Vacancy (a job available n that ppl can apply for)arises
Job analysis
Job description
Job specification
Job advertised in appropriate media
Application forms and shortlisting
Interviews and selection
Vacancy filled
Job analysis
IDENTIFIES and records the responsibilities and task of the job( purpose of job)
Job description
Outlines the responsibilities and duties needed to be carried out. (Things to do)
(Contain information about the job -chances for promotion/salaries/trainings offered)
Job specification
Outlines requirements, education , qualifications, physical characteristics , skill , experience
What is a job description used for?
- to inform what the job entails (includes)to applicants
- will allow job specification to be drawn up-seeing if they are a match
Internal recruitment
When a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business(hiring/promoting)
(Advertised by company newspaper and notice board at the company)
Advantages of internal recruitment
- quicker and cheaper than external recruitment
- reliability , ability and potential of the person are alr known
- the person alr knows the organisation of the company-of its structure and what is expected from employees
- motivating for employees to see their fellow workers being promoted-makes them think its possible for them too
Disadvantages of internal recruitment
- no new ideas/experience brought to company especially when the industry is rapidly changing, this is a huge limitation
- rivalry or jealousy among employees towards the worker who gains promotion
- quality of internal candidates might be low
External recruitment
When a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business
When a business recruits externally, it will need to advertise the vacancy.types of advertising includes:
- local newspapers (mostly for jobs that doesn’t require high skills ,local ppl)
- national newspapers(usually used for senior positions-highly paid-ppl will be willing to move to another country)
- specialist magazines(usually used for specialist technical employees-scientists)
- online recruitment sites
- recruitment agencies(specialists in recruiting employees-expensive, share a percentage of salary when successfully appointed to a job)
- job centres run by government(usually for unskilled or semi-skilled jobs)(details of vacancies are given to interested ppl)
Methods of application
Importance of a CV or resume
To see which applicants best match for the job specification , closest match-invited to interview - selection stage
(CV/resume outlines the details-name , address, telephone number, work experience, education and qualifications, email address and etc)
Methods of selection(interview stage)
(Conducts certain tests to choose the best candidate)
- skills test-to show ABILITY of candidate to carry out certain tasks
- aptitude test-to show candidate’s POTENTIAL to gain additional skills (ex general intelligence)
- personality test-if a type of PERSONALITY(will they fit in) of a person is required for that job
- group situation test-give tasks to applicants to complete in group situations and observes how they work as a team member
Factors affecting on Recommending which workers to employ(final decision after method of selection)
- work experience
- educational and other qualifications
- age
- internal(understanding of how the business operates)
- external(experience and skills gained from outside of business)
The importance of these factors depends on the circumstances(types/size of business/ nature of the job vacancy)
Full recruitment and selection process
Analyse exact nature of the job
Job description
Job specification
Advertise vacancy
Send out Application form/read resume
produce SHORTLIST from replies of those who will be move forward to the interview section
Interview-(method of selection)
Select suitable applicant and offer job-reply to unsuccessful applicants
Benefits of employing part-time employees
- flexible hours of work
- easier to ask employees just to work, at busy times
- easier to extend business operating hours by working evenings or at weekends
- willing to accept lower pay-reduces business costs compared paying a full-time employee
- easier to make employee redundant(when needed)
Limitations to a business of part-time employees
- less likely to seek training(employees sees this job as a temporary)
- less committed to the job and may leave at anytime
- less likely to be promoted, do not have the skills and experience as full-time employees
- more difficult to communicate with them-wont always be in work
(Advantages of part-time employees are disadvantages of full-time employee)
(Disadvantages of part-time employees are advantages of full-time employees)
Advantages of full time employees and disadvantages
Disadvantages of part-time employees and advantages
Importance of training to a business
- to introduce new process/new equipments
- to improve efficiency of the workforce
- provide training for unskilled workers to make them valuable(motivates them too)
- decrease the supervision needed
- improve opportunity for internal promotion
- decrease chances of accidents
Importance of training to employees
- increase skills
- increase knowledge
- improve employees attitudes to encourage them to accept change and raise awareness(of the job)
Types of trainning
- induction training
- on-the-job training
- off-the-job training
Induction training
Introduction given to a NEW employee, explaining business’s activities, customs and procedures and introducing them to their fellow workers
Advantages of induction trainning
- helps new employees to settle into their job quickly
- workers will be less likely to make mistakes
Disadvantages of induction training
- time consuming
- wages paid but no work done by the worker(waste of money)
- delays the start of the employee commencing (begin)their job
On-the- job training
Occurs by watching a more experienced worker doing the job
For unskilled or semi-skilled job
Advantages of on-the-job training
- individual tuition is given and is in the workplace , wont have to pay for travel costs
- ensures production from worker while training
- costs less than the off-the-job training
- training is tailored to the specific needs of the business(learning to satisfy needs of business)
Disadvantages of on-the-job training
- trainer will not be as productive (they are mentoring not getting on with their job)
- trainer may have bad habits that may be passed on to the trainee
- may not lead to training qualifications that’s recognised outside the business
Off-the job training
Involves being trained away from the workplace, usually by specialist trainers
(High-skilled jobs))
Advantages of off-the-job training
-makes employees more versatile(adaptable)-taught variety of skills(can be moved around company when needed)
Disadvantages for off-the-job training
- costs are high
- wages paid but no work done
- additional qualifications makes it easier for employees to leave and find another job
Workforce planning
Is where a business decides on the type and number of employees needed in the future(depending upon business’s sales forecasts-will want to expand or not)
Why reducing size of workforce might be necessary
- introduction of automation(use of machines instead of people)
- falling demand for their goods/services
- factory/shop/office(sections of the business) closure
- relocating their factory abroad
- business has merged/taken over and some jobs have become surplus(more than needed) in the newly combined business(does not meet new requirements)
Ways a business can reduce number of employees
Or workers want to leave the job by their own preference
- retire(getting older want to stop working)
- resign(found another job)
When employment is ended against the will of the employee-usually for not working in accordance with the employment contract
When an employee is no longer needed and so loses their job-not due to any aspect of their work being unsatisfactory
(Given some money to compensate them)-pay for their loss
Which workers to make redundant? 4(recommend and justify which employees to make redundant in given circumstances)
- some workers may volunteer and be happy to be made redundant-they may have another job / retire early / want to start their own business
- length of time employed by the business-workers who have for business for a long time are often retained(kept)-most experience-expensive to be made redundant(if redundancy payments are made)
- workers with essentials skills are often retained
- employment history of the worker-good/bad attendance/ punctuality /appraisal record
- depends on which departments of the business need to lose workers n which need to retain
Legal controls over employment issues (laws introduced)
- introducing contract of employments
- forbidding unfair dismissal
- protection against discrimination
- ensured health and safety of workers
- legal minimum wage
Contract of employment
Legal agreement between an employer and employee-listing the rights and responsibilities of workers
Includes information of work(payment/job title/work hours/holiday entitlement)
Impact of employment contract on employees and employers
- both will know what is expected of them
- provides security of employment to the employee
- if employee does not meet conditions-legal dismissal is allowed
- if employer fails to meet conditions of the contract-employee can seek legal compensation
Unfair dismissal
Occurs when an employer ends a worker’s contract of employment for a reason that is not covered by that contract(maybe reasons of discrimination/redundancy)
An unfair dismissal is illegal and may be brought up to INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL by the employee.-a type of law court that makes judgements on disagreements between companies and their employees.
Impacts of Protection against discrimination
- employees treated equally in a workplace(equal pay)
- gender equality(both gender gets same treatment)
- employees who have a disability/diff races/dif religions -treated in the same way
- employers have to be extra careful when wording an advertisement for a job(no specification of man/woman -as ‘person’)
- increases motivation of employees
Health and safety at work
(Caring for workers’ safety)
- protect workers from dangerous machinery
- provide safety equipment and clothing
- maintain reasonable workplace temperatures
- provide hygienic conditions and washing facilities
- do not insist on excessively long shifts and provide breaks in the work timetable
Impact of health and safety on employers and employees
- extra costs for employer (buying safety equipments and etc)
- time needs to be found to train workers in health and safety precautions
- workers feel more safer and more motivated at work
Impact of Legal minimum wage
- many unskilled workers receiver higher wages-encourage employers to train them to make sure they are more productive
- prevent employers exploiting unskilled workers who could not easily find jobs
- low-paid workers will earn more and have higher living standard
- increases business costs-forces them to increase prices
- some employers will not be able to afford these wages-make workers redundant-unemployment
- higher paid workers may demand for a higher pay to keep the same differential between themselves and lower paid workers-business costs rises even more
- encourage people to seek work fewer shortages of worker