Chapter 23 and 24 Flashcards
What is isolationism
Isolationism is a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries
What is expansionism
Expansionism is the practice of spreading a nation’s territorial or economic control beyond its borders.
What is imperialism
Imperialism is the policy of extending a nation’s rule over other territories and countries, primarily for their natural resources
What event led to the need of imperialism
Industrial Revolution
What happened to the USS Maine
a huge explosion took place on the USS Maine, killing 260 people and the Americans blamed it on Spain to raise support for the spanish american war
What were the reasons for these increasing rivalries?
Competition over materials and markets
Territorial Disputes
What was starting to develop with new technology
new weapons
What is Militarism
the policy that glorifies military power and keeping an army prepared for war.
Who was in the alliance known as the Triple Entente
France, Russia, and Great Britain
Who was in the Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria- Hungry, and Italy
What event started World War 1
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofie were shot by a Serbian man and Austria declared war on Serbia and Russia sent troops to help Serbia
What is propganda
Propaganda is information designed to influence opinion.
What is a blockade
A blockade is an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
Germany said that they would sink any ship that sailed into British ports, what was this called
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
What was on big ship that a German U-boat sank
The lusitania
What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
The Zimmerman Telegram was a letter written by Germany to Mexico stating that if they attacked the U.S. and keep them busy they would help Mexico regain the lands they had lost in the Mexican American War.
What was the selective service act
allowed for the drafting of men 21-30 years of age.
The bolsheviks would overthrow Russia’s government, and who would take over?
Vladimir Lenin
Where did Germany move their troops and supplies after Russia quit the war
Western front, located near the border of France and Germany.
Germans wanted to launch an attack on the _________, at first, this plan looked to be successful, and was able to push the allies’ lines within ___ miles of Paris.
Western Front, 40
What happened on 11/11/1918
germany withdrew all land forces west of the rhine river the naval fleet from the baltic sea and surrender huge amounts of equipment
What was Wilson’s plan to achieve peace called
The fourteen points
What is self-determination
the right of the people to decide what form of government they would like to have.
What are reparations
payment for the destruction of another countries territory.
What is Trench Warfare
Opposing armies on the western front digging miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire, they slept in mud had no food and no sleep
What are the 5 issues of the treaty of Versailles
Pay the Allied countries billions of dollars
Had to disarm their entire military
Give up colonial claims around the world
Had to give up land to other countries
They weren’t allowed to join the league of nations