Chapter 21 Flashcards
What is DQM
Data quality management
What is quality
Quality is conformance to requirements
What is data quality
There are many definitions of data quality but data is generally considered high quality if it is “fit for [its] intended uses in operations, decision making and planning
What are 2 types of data quality
- Intrinsic data quality
- Realistic data quality
What is Intrinsic data quality
Electronic reproduction of reality and data accuracy. e.g. bill address wrong
What is Realistic data quality
Value to data to business. It means how can we satisfy customer needs by using data in business. Realistic data quality is the value that correct data has in supporting the work of the business or enterprise. Data that does not help or enable the enterprise to accomplish its mission has no quality, no matter how
accurate it is.
What is intelligent learning organization
In intelligent learning organization, data is used intelligently and employee and stake holders of company become happier because of success and improvement in business. These organizations have high quality data.
What is dysfunctional learning organization
These organizations have lower quality of data.
What is Orr’s laws of data quality
Law # 1: Data that is not used, can not be correct. (e.g. example of extra Tyre. If we do not use it, we are not sure is it in working condition)
Law # 2: Data quality is a function of its use, not its collection. (data usage will tell us is data dirty or not, only collecting data will not tell this)
Law # 3: Data will be no better that its most stringent use. (data quality level is as equal as it is used level)
Law # 4: Data quality problems increase with the age of system.
Law # 5: The less likely something is to occur, the traumatic it will be when it happens. (at the time when data needed, then it will not work out for us)
What is TQM
Total quality control is total quality management. It is continue and consistent process.
What is quality assurance
The what degree product confirm its quality benchmarks
What is quality improvement
A continues process for quality improvement.
What is law of diminishing returns
When we increase input the output increases. And one time comes when we add input the output start dropping.
Does defect minimization applause able or defect elimination applause able
defect minimization
What are types of cost of data quality defects
- Controllable cost
- Resultant cost
- Equipment and training cost
What is Controllable cost
The cost of finding defect and the loss of keeping that defect in data. Sometimes the cost of cleaning dirty data is higher than benefit from clean data.
What is Resultant cost
The result of controllable cost (clean data or keep it dirty) is called resultant cost
What is Equipment and training cost
The cost occurred on defected equipment. (e.g. bar code reader error to place some other order) and training cost for staff.
What is marketing communication
Advertisement and marketing
What is customer matching
The process of identifying returning customer
What is retailing household
house holding on retails basis
What is cross selling opportunity
Selling item to different people
What are dimensions of data quality
There are many dimensions of data quality. Few are
- accuracy
- consistency
- completeness
What is data
Data is an abstraction of something from real life.