Chapter 12 Flashcards
Why we need ROLAP
We need relational OLAP because when numbers of dimensions increases then cube size increases in MOLAP and a time comes when MOLAP could not fit in main memory so then we need ROLAP. In short it is for scalability.
What is aggregate awareness
It is a concept that system should aware of available aggregates and use them when required. If available aggregate does not fit in requirement then use them to make new higher level aggregates to make query
What is star schema
Star schema designs usually used to support ROLAP querying. The star schema is the simplest style of data mart schema and is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional data marts. The star schema consists of one or more fact tables referencing any number of dimension tables.
What is fact table
The fact table is a way of visualizing as a un-rolled cube
Cube is what dimensional structure
What is cube
Cube is a logical entity containing values of a certain fact
What is cube clause
This is a clause in SQL in which we can specify number of columns and an efficient replacement of GROUP By clause
What are ROLAP issues
- Maintenance
- Non standard hierarchy of dimension
- Non standard convention
- Explosion to storage space requirement
- Aggregation pit-falls
What is Non standard hierarchy of dimension in ROLAP
Dimensions are not always simple hierarchies