Chapter 21 Flashcards
What are the only exceptions to the passive to active translations
second person singular present tense and present infinitive of third conjugation verbs
casa, casae (f)
house, cottage
causa, causae (f)
cause, reason, case
fenestra, fenestrae (f)
finis, (m)
end, limit, boundary
gens, gentis (f)
clan, race, nation
mundus, mundi (M)
world, universe
navis (f)
ship, boat
salus, salutis (f)
health, safety
Troia, Troiae (f)
vicinus, vicini (m)
vulgus, vulgi (n)
the common people, mob
asper, aspera
rough, harsh
atque or ac
and also, and even
again, a second time
contineo, continere
to hold together, to contain
iubeo, iubere
to bid, to order
laboro, laborare
to labor
rapio, rapere
to seize, snatch
relinquo, relinquere
to leave behind, leave
scio, scire
to know
tango, tangere
to touch