Chapter 20 - Sound Flashcards
What is Pitch?
Pitch is our subjective impression about the “highness” or “lowness” of a tone/the frequency of a tone.
What is the relationship between Pitch and Frequency?
Higher frequency will be a higher pitch.
Lower frequency will be a lower pitch.
At what hertz is a sound Infrasonic?
Infrasonic is <20 Hz.
At what hertz is a sound ultrasonic?
Ultrasonic is >20,000 Hz.
Can humans hear infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds?
No! They are too low and high for humans to hear.
What is Elasticity?
Elasticity is a property of a material that changes its shape when a force is applied to it then reverts back to its original shape once the force is removed.
Is air a good or poor conductor of sound compared to liquids and solids?
Air is a poor conductor compared to liquids/solids.
Will sound travel in a vacuum?
What happens to the atoms in elastic liquids/solids?
The atoms are relatively close together and respond to each others’ motions quickly. This means they transfer energy with little loss.
Does light or sound travel faster?
Light travels faster than sound.
What is a Compression?
A compression is a region of increased pressure in a longitudinal (sound) wave. The molecules are pushed against each other and force each other to move.
What is a Rarefaction?
A rarefaction is a region of decreased pressure in a longitudinal (sound) wave. The molecules are brought away from each other.
At what speed does sound travel through air?
340 m/s
What happens to sound energy when it travels through air?
Sound energy changes to thermal energy. This happens faster at a higher frequency. At lower frequencies, sound travels further.
What is an Echo?
An echo is a reflection of sound. Sound reflects in the same way that light does.
What happens to sound energy that ISN’T carried by the reflected wave?
Sound energy not carried by the reflected wave is carried by the transmitted/absorbed wave.
What are Reverberations?
Reverberations are what happen when a sound undergoes multiple reflections after the source has ceased emitting.
Why are showers more “lively” and full of sound?
Because of reflected waves! When too much sound is absorbed by the surfaces, the sound produced will be dull and lifeless. This is the opposite of the shower.
What are Acoustics?
Acoustics are the study of sound properties.
What is a Refraction?
Refractions are when sound waves continue through a medium and bend. They involve a change in wave speed.
When do sound waves bend?
Sound waves bend when parts of the wave travel at different speeds. (Ex. uneven winds).
What is a Forced Vibration?
A forced vibration is when the vibration of an object is caused by the vibration of a nearby object.
What is Natural Frequency and what does it depend on?
Natural frequency is the frequency that an object vibrates at when it’s disturbed and when the disturbing force is removed.
Natural frequency depends on an object’s elasticity and its shape.
Through what medium does sound travel fastest?
Sound travels fastest through solids.
What is Resonance?
Resonance is when the frequency of forced vibrations on an object matches its natural frequency.
What is a Monaural Signal?
A monaural signal is when one speaker sends a compression and the other sends a rarefaction.
What are Beats?
Beats are periodic vibrations in the loudness of sound. They are caused by interference.
How do you find Beat Frequency?
The difference in frequency is the number of times two objects’ vibrations will be in sync per minute. That is known as Beat Frequency.
Are Radio Waves or Sound Waves faster?
Radio Waves! They are always faster than sound waves because they are a type of light wave, and light moves faster than sound.