Chapter 20: perpheral vascular system and lymphatic system Flashcards
claudication distance
number of blocks walked or stairs climbed to produce pain (note night leg pain is common in aging adults)
enlarged lymph nodes occur with
infections, immunologic diseases
capillary fill last more then 1-2 seconds signals
vasoconstriction or decreased cardiac output
full bond pulse 3 occurs with
hyperkentic states, anemia, and hyperthyroidism
weak pulse 1 occurs with
shock and atrial disease
enlarged epitrochlear node occurs with
infection of hand or forearm
modified allen test is used for
to evaluate the adequacy of collateral circulation, firmly occlude the ulnar and radial arteries while patient makes a fist repeatedly
pallor suggests
occlusion of the collateral atrial flow
malnutrition presents in skin as
thin, shiny, atrophic
homan sign
occurs in 35% of DVT
water-hammer pulse
greater then normal force then collapses suddenly, occurs in aortic valve regurgitation
pulsus bigeminus
rhythm is coupled, every other beats comes early
pulsus alternans
rhythm is regular, but force varies with alternating beats with large and small amplitude
pulsus peridoxus
beats have weaker amplitude with inspiration and strong with expiration
pulsus bisferiens
each pulse has two systolic peaks with a dip in between, assessed by the carotid artery
raynauds phenomenon
episodes of abrupt progressive tricolor change of the finger in response to cold, vibration, or stress
high protein swelling of the limb, most commonly due to breast cancer treatment
arterial-ischemic ulcer
build up of fatty plaque on intima plus hardening and calcification of arterial wall, ulcers occur at toes, metatarsal heads, and heals, ankles
venous ulcer
after acute DVT or chronic incompetent valve in veins, occur medial malleolus characterized by bleeding and uneven edges
varicose veins
incompetent valves permit reflux of blood producing dilated veins
deep vein is occlude by a thrombus causing inflammation, blocked venous return, cyanosis, and edema
sac formed by dilation in the artery wall, most common site is the aorta, common cause is atherosclerosis
caused by atherosclerosis, build up of fatty streaks, fibroid plaque, or calcification of the vessel wall, this reduces blood flow with vital oxygen and nutrients