Chapter 20 (MIDTERM) Flashcards
What is the movement of air into and out of the lungs, consists of inhalation and exhalation
Oxygen-rich air is moved into the lungs
CO rich air is moved out
What are normal age related changes with ribs and vertebrae?
Ribs become less mobile
Chest wall compliance decreases
Osteoporosis and calcification of the costal cartilage lead to what?
Increased rigidity and stiffness of the thoracic cage
What happens to the diaphragm in patients with COPD?
Flattens and becomes less efficient
What is respiratory rate in older adults?
16-25 faster and shallower
Older adults have a decrease in the number of cilia which results in?
Difficultly in clearing secretions
Volume of air, inhaled or exhaled per breath
Tidal volume
Volume of air left and lungs after maximum exhalation
Residual volume
Volume of air exhaled after maximal inhalation
Vital capacity
Total volume of air in lungs after maximum inhalation
Total lung capacity
What happens to cilia when someone smokes?
Cilia becomes paralyzed and is unable to protect and clean the lungs
What is a well recognized precursor for obstructive sleep apnea?
What are some common respiratory symptoms in older adults?
Change in mental status
Alterations in breathing patterns
What is the best preventative treatment for asthma?
What are some examples of preventative asthma medications?
What are bronchodilators that provide smooth muscle relaxation in 30 minutes and is the drug of choice for treating acute asthma symptoms
Rescue med-
SABAs: albuterol
Corticosteroids may cause what in older adults?
Confusion agitation and glucose metabolism
What is characterized by excessive mucus production with a chronic or recurrent cough?
Chronic bronchitis
What is characterized by progressive destruction of alveoli and they’re supporting structures there classic sign is a barrel chest appearance.
How do you diagnose COPD?
Spirometry testing
Dyspnea and Chronic coughing is the hallmark of what disorder
What is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the older adult community?
Lung carcinoma
With lung cancer how would you determine the cell type?
Sputum cytology
How would you obtain tissue confirmation of the diagnosis of lung cancer?
Fiberoptic bronchoscope
What are the two most common drugs for tuberculosis?
With a tuberculosis med rifampin what can you see when you take this medication?
Bodily fluids are red or orange
With cardiogenic pulmonary edema, what presentation would be seen?
Shortness of breath
Frothy, blood tinged sputum
What is the blockage of pulmonary arteries by a thrombus, fat or air embolism from a deep vein thrombosis
Pulmonary emboli
What is usually the treatment of choice for a pulmonary emboli?