chapter 20 Flashcards
Electoral politics after reconstruction
- Labor Unions and agrarian/farmers groups critiqued the new industrial order and demanded change.
- Middle-Class progressives proposed more limited measures than radical labor and farmer advocates but passed more laws as they had greater political clout.
What contributed to competition and instability after reconstruction?
- disillusionment with republicans
- resurgence of democrats in the south
- population growth
- more free states
Describe voting and politics after Recontruction?
Greater voter turnout due to strong views on the outcome of the Civil War, African Americans, and economic policy.
Presidents did not act aggressively as they were elected on narrow margins and worked with Congress controlled by the opposing party.
After Garfield was assassinated in 1881, reform of the spoils system became urgent.
Pendleton Act of 1883
Established a nonpartisan Civil Service Commission to fill federal jobs by examination.
Benefits educated middle class the most = Placed talented professionals into an office and brought consistency to the government. = Reduced Corruption
Classical Liberalism
Americans (former Republicans) who became disillusioned with Reconstruction and advocated a limited and professionalized government.
What did Farmer-Labor advocates do in the late 1800s.
Interstate Commerce Act
BLS (bureau of labor statistics) to oversee private business
Sherman Antitrust Act
first federal attempt to forbid any combination (trust) (conspiracy) in the restraint of trade.
Regulates interstate corporations
Was weakened by Supreme Court
What did President Benjamin Harrison do?
- sought to protect black voting rights in the South
- found ally Henry Cabot Lodge who drafted a bill to create a bipartisan federal elections board.
= Whenever 100 citizens in a district of 20,000 or more appealed for intervention, the board would investigate.
= If they found fraud or disenfranchisement, the federal courts would investigate.
Bill passed in the House but failed in the senate.
- Northern liberals thought it provided too much democracy
- Western Republicans feared it was too much government influence.
What was the result of the Harrison and Lodge bill?
the demise of the party of emancipation.
What was a major political shift in 1890?
re-election of Grover Cleveland by large margin.
Democrats win House of Rep.
Describe the Popullist {rogram
- In Kansas, the Farmer’s Alliance joined with the Knights of Labor to form the People’s Party in 1890.
- The People’s Party captured 4/5 of the lower house of Kanas legislature and most of the congressional seats
- Farm advocates nationwide met at Omaha in 1892 and created the People’s Party (with Union general and Greenback Labor Leader James B Weaver as president).
- Populists capture a million votes and carried 4 western states.
- Attracted support from Alabama Steelworkers and Rocky Mountain Mines, but not other industrial workers.
How was the Populist party “different”.
- called for stronger government to protect ordinary people through public ownership.
- received ridicule from national press in the NE
- did not adopt prohibition and women’s suffrage causes.
Describe the 1890s and theh depression?
- 1893 = depression after European Investors pull money out of the United States
- Employment is at 80%
- Similar to 1970s
- Coxey proposes that the government hire unemployed to fix the nation’s roads in 1894.
How is Cleveland different form his party members?
Advocate of Gold standard not free silver policy
Describe the election of the 1890s?
Morgan brought gold to replenish the Treasury, and profited bankers, thus enraging republicans AND fellow democrats.
Election day = Republicans win 245 to 105 in the House
- marks beginning of 16 years of republic dominance
Describe the SOUTH and politics there?
- Populists were appealing to all populations.
- Democrats called themselves the “white man’s party” and the supreme court stated that any man whose grandfather had been unable to vote during slavery, could not vote either.
- Voter turnout plunged as black men and poor whites could not vote.
- the Convict Lease System expanded at the refusal of the Populists and chain gang system of prisoners would work for the states.
- Because blacks cannot vote, Democrates rule for next 50 years in the South
Williams v. Mississippi
Literary tests and poll taxes can be used to determine who can vote or serve on jury
Describe the election between Bryan and McKinley?
- Democrats nominated free-silver advocate William Jennings Bryan
- Bryan ignored the People’s Party; Populists do not recover from their defeat and eventually fade away.
- McKinley wins as Republicans denounce Bryan’s supporters as anarchistic. Republicans gain support for immigrants.
What occurred to increase democratic participation?
- direct primary: voters choose nominees instead of party leaders
- 17th amendment (1913) requires voters not legislatures to choose US senators.
What did the Supreme Court do in 1894
was hostile to many proposed reforms when it struck down a recently adopted federal income tax on wealthy
What was In re Jacobs?
NY state court of appeals struck down public-health law that prohibited cigar manufacturing in tenements.
Believed that this regulation exceed state power
What was Lochner V. New york
Supreme Court told NY that it cannot limit a baker’s work day as it violates the baker’s right to make contracts.
Describe Roosevelt’s Presidency
1900: William McKinley won democrat William Bryan, but was assasinated.
Theodore Roosevelt was chosen as Mckinley’s VP to neutralize his power. However, he was now in the white house.
Coal Strikes: said that if owners refused to talk with the u union, he would nationalize coal companies.
Enforcement with: Interstate Commerce Act, Sherman Antitrust Act.
What was the Elkins Act
created by Roosevelt
prohibit discriminatory and preferential railway rates
What was the Bureau of Corporations?
Empowered to investigate business practices and bolster Justice Department’s capacity to mount antitrust suits.
What helped Roosevelet win the 1904 election?
promised every Americans a Square Deal
- conservation of natural resources
- control of corporations
- consumer protection
passed the Hepburn Act in 1906
= enables the ICC to set shipping rates
The federal breakup of Northwest Securities Company and Standard Oil in 1911 into smaller competing companies. Federal authority to dissolve monopolies.
Describe Roosevelt and the environment.
- issued 51 orders creating wildlife refuges, oversaw creation of 3 parks, used Antiquitis Act
- increased amount of land in federal forest reserve and turned management to US Forest Service
- Newlands Reclamation Act - supported the economic development in the west and gave federal government ability to sell public lands to raise money for irrigation projects
Describe the end of Roosevelt’s presidency
- anglo-saxan superiority
- invited Booker T. Washington to the white house
- Advocated for elite rule AND defended dignity of labor
- passed nomination to William Howard Taft in 1908, who defeated Jennings Bryan.
Describe the division of the republican party
Split into
- conservatives who opposed reform
- militant progressives who thought Roosevelt and Taft did not do enough (insurgents)
Taft sided with the conservatives
What was the Wisconsin Idea
Robert LA Follete called for government intervention in the economy
expanded democracy by restricting lobbying activities and gave citizens the right to recall, referendum, and initiative.
Describe Labor condiiton reformers?
established the national child labor commission in 1907
hired lewis hine to photograph conditions of children in mines/mills
Roosevelt sponsored the first white house conference on dependent children in 1909 –> created Children’s Bureau in US Labor Department
Describe Muller vs. Oregon and further cases (1908)
Oregon law limiting women’s workday to 10 hours
= Dismayed activists because it did not address men’s working hours and declared that women deserve special protection
Led to assistance for mothers with dependent children (Illinois, 1911)
Led to first minimum wage law for women (Mass, 1912)
Led to insurance laws covering on the job accidents (1917)
What limited national reform
State law
- for example, most stages regulated child labor but only 4 passed the amendment to abolish child labor.
Describe Black Progress in the 1900s
- some challenged leadership of Booker T. Washington
2. W.E.B Du Bois called for a “talented tenth” of blacks to develop new strategies
What was Niagra Principles
created by Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter
called for voting rights, end of segregation, equal treatment in justice system, equal opportunity in other stuff.
based on black pride and demand for equality
What happened after the Niagra Conference
1908 - blood race riot in Springfield Ilinois
Mary White Ovington called together grou pof progressives and created National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Du Bois was the editor of their journal (the crisis)
Descrieb Labor Conditions
AFL (american federation of labor) preached that worker should improve wages and working condition with strikes and DIRECT negotiation
however, progressive reformers created organized labor unions.
however, radical and militant groups emerged (WFM (western federation of miners) created IWW (industrial workers of the world))
who were the wobblies
IWW supporters.
supporters of marxist class struggle. conducted several strikes against industrial companies
union bombing of los Angeles times headquarters turned labor issues into a national agenda during 1912 presidential election
Describe the Election of 1912
Roosevelt reenetered the election and called for New Nationalism (federal child labor law, recognition of labor rights, national minimum wage for workers).
Roosevelet created the Progressive Party and him and Taft “ran as republicans”.
Eugene Debs and Woodrow Wilson were also running.
Wilson won only because of the division between Roosevelt and taft
What did Eugene Debs do?
Create ARU, american railroad union
launched socialist party of America
What did Woodrow Wilson do?
impressive reform record
democratic presidential nomination
Describe Wilson’s presidency
democrat who had an unwillingness to address African American needs
Passed 16th Amendment which taxed incomes above 4000 a year and impacted 5% of households.
created new source of revenue for the government .
What did Wilson do about the financial system?
Reorganized it.
the primary function of centrla banks was to back up commercial banks. however, if they weakened, the entire system would collapse.
The FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913 gave a banking system that was sorted into 12 districts and controlled by member banks.
Had federal reserve board
What did Wilson do about trusts?
him adn teh democratic congress relied on Brandeis (the peoples lawyer) who believed that vigorous competition in a free market was most efficient.
Claynton Antritrust Act of 1914
amended sherman act
definition of illegal practices was left flexible
The new federal trade commission received broad power on deciding what was fair, investigating companies, and issuing cease and desist orders
What was teh comission of industrial relations?
investigated condition of labor
revealed that most workers earned less than 10 dollars, faced periods of unemployment ,and poverty.
Determined that labor activism was the result of employer’s ruthless antiunionism.
was radical for the time
Adamson Act
8 hour workday for railraod worker
Seamen act
outlaw age old abuse of merchant sailor
What was wrong with Wilson?
set tone for KKK return in 1920s