Chapter 2 Review Questions Flashcards
True or False
All materials contain potentially irritating ingredients
True (responses may include post op sensitivity, toxicity and hypersensitivity
True or False
Some materials may be acceptable for use on hard tissues but not acceptable for use on soft tissues
True or False
Some materials may be therapeutic in small quantities when in contact with tissues for short periods of time, but may be irritating or toxic with larger doses
True (topical fluoride)
True or False
Post operative sensitivity is often associated with operative procedures due to the toxicity of the restorative, preventive, or therapeutic material or to bacterial invasion into or near the pulpal tissues
True or False
Excessive wear of a material may be due to the forces of a stronger material against a weaker material
Normal masticatory forces on the occlusal surface of molar teeth average how many pounds?
90 to 200 pounds and can increase to as much as 28,000 pounds per square inch on a cusp tip
What is the normal resting pH of saliva?
6.2 to 7.0 (neutral)
True or False
The breakdown of most restorative materials is directly related to the effects of moisture, acid, and stress
Metals suffer the affect of moisture and acidity with the exception of noble metals such as ?
True or False
Polishing of amalgams to produce a smooth surface has been recommended to help delay this process
True (high-copper amalgams, this may not be as critical to their longevity)
True or False
An environment containing moisture, acidity, and dissimilar metals makes the generation of electrical current possible
True or False
The salts of saliva facilitate the movement of electrical current from one type of metal to another.
What are the different ranges of wavelength?