Chapter 12 Flashcards
Definition of finishing
procedure used to reduce excess restorative material to develop appropriate occlusion and contour
Definition of polishing
procedure that pro dues a shiny, smooth surface by eliminating fine scratches, minor surface imperfections, and surface stains using mild abrasives frequently found in the form of pasts or compounds
Definition of abrasive
material composed of particles of sufficient hardness and sharpness to cut or scratch a softer material when drawn across its surface
Definition of grit
particle size of the abrasive, typically classified as coarse, medium, fine, and superfine
Definition of cleansing
procedure that is primarily meant to remove soft deposits from the surface of restorations and the tooth structures
Definition of margination
procedure for removal of excessive restorative material from margins of restorations
Definition of flash
feather-like excesses of material present on occlusal and proximal surfaces
Definition of overhang
excessive material present at the cervical cavosurface margin
What are course abrasives classified as?
particles 100 micrometers and above
What are medium abrasives classified as?
20 to 100 micrometers
What are fine abrasives classified as?
20 micrometers to submicron particle sizes
True or False
Tungsten carbide finishing burs come in several shapes, with designs ranging from 7 to 30 cutting flutes.
True or False
Sand is a natural abrasive composed of quartz and silica and ranks a 7 on Moh’s scale
True or False
Silicon dioxide (Silex) has a Moh’s ranking of 6 to 7
True or False
Calcium carbonate, also called chalk has a low Moh’s ranking of 3
True (found in prophylaxis paste and dentifrice)
What is prophylaxis paste
mixture of 50% to 60% abrasive materials such as pumice and tin oxide and lubricants
True or False
Prophy paste may be 20 times more abrasive to dentin and 10 times more abrasive to enamel than commercially prepared dentifrice