Chapter 2 Review Flashcards
Drug indications
Reason to use a particular drug for a particular problem
Drug usage
Application/administration of a drug given for a purpose
Desired effect
The expected response to a medication
Allergic reaction
A type of hypersensitivity to drugs
Side effect
Mild annoying response to medication
Adverse reaction
Unintended, undesirable, unpredictable effects causing unwanted symptoms
Meds used in treatment of a condition
Relives symptoms, maintains homeostasis, reverses disease process
- actions of drugs on the body
* alters natural body function
Diagnostic drugs
Used to aid diagnosing diseases
Prevents disease & illness
Replaces missing chemicals in patient
Drug that mimics body function
stimulates receptor site
Drug that binds to a receptor & doesn’t activate the site
Agent used in treating metal poisoning
Local action
Action at site of administration
Systemic action
Action found at more than site of administration
One drug potentiates (strengthens) another
One drug prolongs or multiplies effects of another
2 drugs given together, each with desired effects
Cumulative effect / accumulation
Tendency of drugs to stay in body longer and if not excreted before new doses r given - effects of doses accumulate in body
Drug idiosyncrasies
Unexpected / unusual response to a drug
Long term use of a drug leads to decreased desired effects of medication
Branch of pharmacology dealing with origins of drugs
2 or more drugs that cancel or decrease effects of each other
How drugs are PROCESSED by body
EFFECTS of drugs on the body
Half drug is metabolized by body 4 excretion
Distribution rate
Rate of time it takes medication to go throughout body
Blood level
Amount of drug circulating through bloodstream
Study of poisonous effects of drugs on body
Degree to which something is poisonous
Drug interactions that must be considered for patient safety and teaching
Drug to drug Drug to food Drug to alcohol Drug to vitamins Drug to disease Drug to supplements
How would patient take oral med
Through the mouth
How would patient take enteral med
Through butt ( g.i. Tract )
How would patient take percutaneous med
Skin or mucous membrane
Oral med fastest to slowest absorption rate
- ) syrups, elixirs & other liquids
- ) capsules
- ) tablets
- ) enteric-coated tablets
Enteral med fastest to slowest absorption rate
- ) rectal
- ) nasogastric
- ) oral
Percutaneous med fastest to slowest absorption rate
- ) inhalation
- ) sublingual
- ) transdermal
- ) topical
No pharmacologic effect
True or false
Precutaneous meds are injected: