chapter 2 population/migration Flashcards
anti-natalist policies (strategies to lower the CBR)
China and One-child policy
pro-natalist policies (strategies to increase CBR)
Russia and France
arithmetic density
divides the entire population of a country by the total land area.
Physiological density
land that’s being used by humans. More effective.
Brain drain
The large scale emigration of talented people.
chain migration
Migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality previously migrated there.
Dependency ratio
the number of people who are too old to work compared to the number of people in their productive years.
doubling time
the number of years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate of natural increase.
Where people live on earth.
people move into a country or city
people who leave a country or region.
people leaving the cities.
J curve
increasing exponentially. sometimes shaped as a J.
population trend since 1800s
it will rise exponentially.
location and characteristics of high and low life expectencies
near coasts, near fresh water, flat terrain, temperate climates, fertile soil.
calculate natural increase rate
the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate.
Ravenstein’s laws
- every migration flow generates countermigration. 2.move a shorter distance. 3.choose big cities. 4. Urban residents less likely to migrate. 5, families less likely to move 6.young adults most likely to move
voluntary migration
they choose to migrate,
involuntary/forced migration
migrants who are forced out of their homes for either political or environmental reasons.
immigrants are people who move into a country or region, refugee is people who are forced to leave their homeland for such reasons.
common issues faced by migrants
adjusting to places
recent trends in migration
men usually migrate.
overpopulation/carrying capacity
the number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living.
sex ratio
the number of males compared to females in population.
step migration
gradually migrating towards a destination one step at a time.
Thomas Malthus theory
the world’s rate of increase was far outrunning the development of food population.
zero population growth
when crude birth rate equals Crude birth rate.
replacement rate/level
the replacement fertility is roughly 2.1 births per woman.
money migrants send home to family and friends.
reverse remittances
Migrants get money from their family at home.
cyclic movement
when you’re gone for shorter periods away from home.
periodic movement
When you’re gone for longer periods away from home.
a degree of permanence, which means the move may not return home.
activity spaces
the space within which every activity occurs.
movement among a definite set of place often cyclic movement.
migrant labor
A common type of periodic movement involving millions of workers in the US and worldwide to cross international borders in search of employment.
a system where ranchers move livestock according to the seasonal availability.
military service
when 10 mill. US citizens including military personnel and their families moved to new locations.
international migration
Human movement involving movement across international boundaries.
When a person migrates into a particular country or area.
internal migration
migration that occurs within a single counrty’s borders.
push factors
circumstances that attract migrants to certain locales from other places.
pull factors
the circumstances that effectively attract the migrant to certain locales from other places.
population density
a measurement of the number of persons per unit land area.
arithmetic density
the pop. of a country/region expressed as an average per unit area.
physiological density
the number of people per unit area of farm able/arable land.
population distribution
descriptions of locations on the earth’s surface where pop. lives.
dot map
maps where one dot rep. a certain number of a phenomenon such as population.
refers to such huge urban clusters.
official count of a country’s population.
total fertility rate
the average number of children born to a woman during the years of her child bearing.
aging index
the number of people age 65 and older per 100 children ages 0-14
doubling time
the time required for a population to double in size.
population ezplosion
the rapid growth of the world’s human population during the past century.
zero pop. growth
when the crude death rate =the crude birth rate pop. maintained constant.
natural increase
the dif. between the number of births and number of deaths within a particular country.
the number of live births per 1000 people.
the # of deaths per 1000 people.
demographic transition
a sequence of changes in which a w country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates through time.
Infant mortality rate
a figure that describes the # of babies that die within the first year of their lives in a population.
child mortality rate
the # of children that die between 1st and 5th years of their lives.
life expecency
a figure that indicates how long, on average a person maybe expected to live.
chronic or degenerative diseases
the sickness you get of old age like heart disease.
when it prevails over a small area
eugenic pop. policies
gov. policies designed to favor one racial sector over others.
restrictive pop. policies
gov. policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase. ex. china