Chapter 2: Neuroscience And Behavior Flashcards
Neural center in limbic system. Helps process memory for storage
Bean sized neural clusters in limbic system. Linked to emotion.
Limbic system
Neural system(amygdala hippocampus hypothalamus) located below hemispheres
Neural structure below the thalamus. Maintenance activities and governing endocrine system (pituitary). Linked to emotion and reward.
Split brain
A condition from the result of cutting the two hemispheres apart (usually the corpus collosum)
Peripheral nervous system
Sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body
Central nervous system
The brain and spinal cord
Parasympathetic nervous system
Calming. division of autonomic nervous system that calms the body.
Somatic nervous system
Division of peripheral nervous system that controls body’s skeletal muscles
Sympathetic nervous system
Division of autonomic nervous system that arouses the body, mobilizing its energy in stressful times
Autonomic nervous system
Part of the peripheral nervous system that controls glands and muscles of internal organs. (sympathetic and parasympathetic)
Nervous system
Bodies speedy electrochemical communication network consisting of all the nerves cells of the peripheral and central nervous system
Influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion. Linked to schizophrenia, tremors, and Parkinson’s
Mood, hunger, sleep, arousal. linked to Depression
Controls alertness and arousal. Can depress mood
Major excitatory neurotransmitter involved in memory. oversupply leads to migraines and seizures.
The natural transmitter link to pain control and pleasure
Enables muscle action, learning, and memory. Alzheimer’s disease ACH producing neurons deteriorate
CT scan (computerized tomography scan)
Pictures of body structures made from multiple x-ray images
FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
Shows brain function (compares successive MRI scans)
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
Technique using magnetic fields and radio waves to produce pictures (computer) of the brain anatomy
Pet scan (positive emission tomography)
Visual display of brain activity to radioactive glucose to show brain perform a given task
EEG (electroencephalograph)
Amplified recording of electrical activity waves That sweeps across brain’s surface. measured through electrodes on scalp
CAT scan (computerized axial tomography)
Takes multiple pictures to give a 3-D view of the structure