Chapter 1: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science Flashcards
Repeating the essence of a research study (usually by a different person in a different population)
Operational definitions
The definition of terms in an experiment so that the experiment could be replicated
A testable prediction (implied by a theory)
Case study
An observational technique where one person (or small group) is studied in depth
A technique to gather data, usually with a questionnaire from a population
Naturalistic observation
Observing something in its natural environment (from afar, for a long time)
All the cases in a group being studied from where samples may be taken from
Ethics (animals and humans)
Rights (ethical, unethical) without cruelty
Negative correlation
Where one variable goes up while the other goes down.
Positive correlation
Where both variables go up together
Illusory correlations
Myths; where correlations which are not there are made to believe they are
Extent of which two factors vary together and therefore how well one predicts the other
Scatter plots
Cluster of dots, each representing a result
Statistical significance
A statistical statement of how likely an obtained result occurred by chance
Hindsight bias
The “I-knew-it-all-along” phenomenon. Assuming you know something you didn’t.
Median (measures of central tendency)
The middle answer
Statistical reasoning
Using statistical evidence/results
Normal curve
Bell shaped curve; used for most of nature
Drug therapies
Therapies using drugs
An organized observational/prediction explanation
Empirical approach
You learn from experience; nurture
Overestimating the accuracy of our beliefs and judgements
Customs/traditions if a certain group of people transmitted from one generation to the next
A type of graph