Chapter 2: Laws Governing Motion Flashcards
Who came up with the the concept of force being necessary to sustain all motion that was thought to be true for nearly 2,000 years.
Who understood the law of inertia several decades before Isaac Newton.
Galileo Galilei
Motion at a constant speed in a straight line.
Uniform Motion
The condition of an object when no unbalanced forces act upon it. A state of motion always refers to being at rest.
State of Uniform Motion
A push or pull on an object.
What did Sir Isaac Newton do?
In 1687 Isaac Newton published in the book Principia Mathematica the three laws of motion that bear his name.
The speed in a particular direction of a moving body.
Rate of change of velocity per unit time, or change of velocity divided by the time required for the change.
Toward a center
Every object at rest, or in uniform motion, will remain in that state of motion unless compelled to do otherwise by forces acting upon it.
First Law of motion
What is this?
Force = mas x acceleration
Second Law of motion
A push or pull on an object
The sum of all the forces present on a body.
Net Force
A measure of the force of gravity pulling on an object.
All forces result form interactions between pairs of objects, each object exerting a force on the other. The two resulting forces have the same strength and act in exactly opposite directions.
Forces occur only when two things interact with each other.
Third Law of motion
The characteristic of a body which determines how much it accelerates when a force is applied.
Force of you on Earth = Force of Earth on you
Third Law of motion
Earth’s mass x Earth’s acceleration = Your mass x Your acceleration
Second Law of motion allows us to
substitute mass x acceleration for the place of force.
The portion to the total force that is unopposed by other forces and so will cause an acceleration.An unbalanced force means that the net force is not zero.
Unbalanced Force
How do Newton’s Three Laws of motion work together?
How do “state of motion”, “velocity”, & “acceleration” relate to each other?
State of motion is the speed and direction of an object, speed is the velocity of the moving object, and accelerating is the force given to move the object up to velocity.
What is the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.
Mass determines the needed force to move an object. As the force accelerates the mass the more force increases the more the mass will accelerate.
What laws of motion if you were to slip on a banana peal?
Third law of motion.
The laws of nature are treated differently for an object in uniform motion and an object at rest.
If an object changes its state of motion (i.e. its direction or speed) then it must be accelerating.
When an astronaut travels to the moon, his or her weight changes. Therefore, the astronaut’s mass must also change.
For an object to change its state of motion, an unbalanced force must act on it.
Objects that interact always exert the same force on one another.
A boat glides through the water on a lake at constant speed in a straight line. What Law of motion is this?
1st Law
An airplane circles the airport at a constant speed while waiting to land. What Law of motion is this?
2nd Law
A marathon runner begins running faster just before crossing the finish line. What Law of motion is this?
2nd Law
Comparing all forces that arise when a book sits on a table. What Law of motion is this?
3rd Law
Describing the motion of a bench in the park. What Law of motion is this?
1st Law
Comparing the forces responsible for accelerating a bullet and the recoil of a gun? What Law of motion is this?
3rd Law
A hot air balloon rising straight up at a constant speed. What Law of motion is this?
1st Law
A submarine falling straight towards the ocean bottom at a constant speed. What Law of motion is this?
1st Law
Describing the forces created as two boxers’ gloves come in contact What Law of motion is this?
3rd Law
correctly describe rocket propulsion
The rocket pushes back on its own exhaust gases. These gases pushing on the rocket are responsible for the acceleration of the rocket.
When a body is acted upon by a single constant unbalanced force,
it will experience a constant acceleration in the direction of the force.
If an object is moving in a straight line at a constant speed, which of the following must be true?
The total force on the object is zero.