Chapter 2- Impact of Treaty of Versailles on Germany Flashcards
An order or decree imposed by someone in power with popular consent or favour
Key figures in TOV (leaders of 4 countries involved)
David Lloyd George- British PM
Philipp Scheidemann- German Chancellor
George Clemenceau- French President
Woodrow Wilson- American President
Paris peace conference
12th Jan 1919
Germany not allowed to see terms until 7th may
representation of 75% of the world pop there.
Germany and allies excluded
national self-determination
nations being able to decide whether they govern themselves, independent of larger empires or groupings of nations
terms of TOV
6.6 billion dollars of reparations
ff all colonies
No heavy weapons. German conscription banned. army capped at 100k men. no air force
Rhineland put under French control
over 13% of germanys land taken
Article 231- Germany take blame- humiliation
German reaction to TOV
disbelief. up to this point Germany was a massive military power.
no civilians in Germany were told how desperate the situation on the western front was
Gustav Bauer
leader of the new coalition cabinet that formed after Scheidemann resigned
Clemenceau’s demands from TOV
Extended French border to the Rhine
annexed the Saar coalfields and created an independent Rhineland
Didn’t happen because they wanted Germany to be strong enough to resist communism