Chapter 2: Human Anatomy Flashcards
Flexes gleno-humeral joint (shoulder joint). Brings the arm forward
Flexes elbow in any position
Biceps Brachii
Flexes shoulder and elbow and supinates arm. This muscle can also bring the arm forward
Flexes elbow while the forearm is in a semi-pronated position (thumb up, palm face towards the body - think hammer curls)
Triceps brachii
Extends the gleno-humeral (shoulder) and elbow joints
Adduct the hip joint. They get worked well during squats and lunges as they stabilize the hip joint
Main hip flexor enables flexion and external rotation of the hip
Gluteus maximus
Extends hip and slightly externally rotates hip
Gluteus medius and minimus
Hip abduction and medial rotation
Quadriceps Femoris - QF group
Quadriceps Femoris: flexes the hip and extends the knee joint
Rectus Femoris: the only quadriceps femoris muscle that crosses the hip as well as the knee
Vastus group
Part of the QF group. Only crosses the knee. Extend the knee joint
Crosses the hip and knee. Responsible for extension of the hip and flexion of the knee
Tibialis anterior
Performs dorsi flexion and inversion of the ankle joint
Perfoms plantar flexion of the ankle and assists with knee flexion
Only crosses one joint, the ankle, and can only perform plantar flexion of the ankle (when seated)
Peroneus longus
Everts the sub-talar joint (ankle). Eversion is to pull the outside ankle bone upward as the foot rolls inward
Transverse abdominus
Deepest layer of the abdominals. Covers the entire abdomen and is involved in posture, giving birth, exhalation and spine stability
Rectus abdominus
Flexion of the spine and posterior pelvic tilt
Flexion and rotation of the spine
Spinal erectors
Extend the spine and keeps it erect. Run down the entire length of the spine in the back
Pectoralis minor
- Stabilizes the scapula by drawing it down and forward into the thoracic wall (rib cage)
- Downward rotation of the scapula and depression of the shoulder
- Lifts the ribs to aid in respiration
Pectoralis major
- Adduction (pulling the arm downward and inward)
- Medial rotation (turning the arm in toward the body)
- Forward and horizontal flexion of shoulder joint (pulling the arm forward and across the body)
Serratus anterior
- Back muscle that attaches to the anterior portion of the scapula
- Fixes the scapula in place
- Prime mover in abduction and upward rotation of the shoulder girdle, as well as pushing and punching movements
Superior trapezius
Pulls the head back & to the side, and aids in elevating the scapula (as in in shoulder shrugs)
Inferior trapezius
Responsible for retraction of scapula and helps prevent rounded shoulder. It also depresses the scapula
Latissimus dorsi
- Medial rotation (rotates arms down and inward)
- Extension of shoulder (pulls humerus back)
- Prime mover for adduction of the arm
Cause retraction and upward rotation of the scapula and are involved in most back exercises such as bent-over dumbbell raise, a row or lat pull downs (anytime the scapulae are moved together, the rhomboids are assisting with that action)
Sagittal plane
Divides the body into right and left parts
Frontal plane
Divides the body into front and back portions
Transverse plane
Divides the body into upper and lower portions
Densely woven, specialized connective tissue that covers and unites all of the body’s compartments