Chapter 2 Definitions Flashcards
Same as a studor vent, Allows air to enter the drainage system only when a negative pressure exists.
Air Admittance Valve
An indirect waste line that discharges below the flood level rim of the drain.
Air Break
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the outlet of the waste pipe and the flood level rim of the drain.
Air Gap ( drainage)
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between a pipe or faucet supplying water and the flood level rim of the tank or receptacle
Air Gap (water supply)
Acceptable to the code official or other authority having jurisdiction
A group of fixtures consisting of a water closet,lavatory,bathtub or shower, including or excluding a bidet, an emergency floor drain or both. Such fixtures are located together on the same floor.
Bathroom Group
Any part of the piping system except a riser, main or stack.
A vertical measurement of distance, 8 feet or more between the connections of horizontal branches to a drainage stack.
Branch Interval
A vent connecting one or more individual vents with a vent stack or stack vent
Branch Vent
The lowest part of the drainage system in a building that extends 30” beyond the exterior of the building.
Building Drain
That part of the drainage system that extends from the building drain to the public sewer or private disposal system.
Building Sewer
A vent that connects to a horizontal drainage branch and vents two traps to a maximum of eight traps connected into a battery.
Circuit Vent
A specially designed system of waste piping embodying the horizontal wet venting of one or more sinks, lavatories,drinking fountains or floor drains by means of a common waste and vent pipe adequately sized to provide the free movement of air above the waste flow line of the drain
Combination Waste & Vent System
A vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains or to a fixture branch and serving as a vent for both fixtures.
Common Vent
A pipe inside a building that conveys storm water from the roof to a storm or combined building drain
A branch leading from a soil, waste or vent pipe and terminating at a develop length of 2 feet by means of a cap or plug.
Dead End
The length of a pipeline measured along the centerline of the pipe and fittings.
Developed Length
A measure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by various types of plumbing fixtures.
DFU or Drainage Fixture Unit
A floor drain that does not receive the discharge of any drain or indirect waste pipe, and protects against damage from accidental spills,fixture overflows and leakage.
Emergency Floor Drain