CHAPTER 2: CVS: Hypertension Flashcards
What does lowering blood pressure reduce the risk of? (4)
- Stroke
- Coronary heart events
- Renal impairment
- Heart failure
What lifestyle advice should patients with hypertension be given? (7)
- Smoking cessation
- Weight reduction
- Alcohol and coffee intake reduction
- Salt reduction
- Total and saturated fat reduction
- Increasing exercise
- Increasing fruit and veg
What should patients presenting with a BP of 140/90mmHg be offered to confirm diagnosis? (2)
- Ambulatory BP monitoring
2. Home BP monitoring
What is the BP of someone with stage 1 hypertension?
140/90mmHg and ambulatory average of 135/85mmHg or higher
Patients UNDER 80 with STAGE 1 hypertension are only treated if they have which other co-morbidities? (5)
- Target organ damage
- Cardiovascular disease
- Renal disease
- Diabetes
- 10 year cardiovascular risk >20%
If a patient under 40 presents with stage 1 hypertension and has no other co-morbidities, what further investigations should be done?
Causes of secondary hypertension
How are patients UNDER 80 with STAGE 1 hypertension with no other co-morbidities treated?
Lifestyle advice only
All patients with STAGE 2 hypertension should be treated. What is the BP of someone with STAGE 2 hypertension?
> 160/100 (ambulatory >150/95)
What should you do if someone has a clinic blood pressure over 180 systolic or over 110 diastolic?
What is the target clinic BP of someone with STAGE 1 hypertension?
What is the target home BP of someone with STAGE 1 hypertension?
What is the target clinic BP of someone with STAGE 1 hypertension and cardiovascular disease, diabetes in the presence of kidney, eye or cerebrovascular disease?
When treating hypertension, how long should treatment be tried for to see if it is effective?
4 weeks
What is the first line treatment for hypertension in a white person under 55?
ACE Inhibitor
First line HPT: What is an option if the ACE inhibitor is not tolerated?
Angiotensin Receptor Blocker
First line HPT: What is an option if neither the ACE inhibitor nor the ARB are tolerated?
Beta blocker
What is the first line treatment for hypertension in a person over 55 or a black person?
Calcium channel blocker
First line HPT >55: What is an option if the calcium channel blocker is not tolerated?
Thiazide-like diuretic
What is the second line treatment for hypertension in a white person under 55?
ACE inhibitor + Calcium Channel Blocker (or thiazide-like diuretic)
What is the second line treatment for hypertension in a person over 55 or a black person?
Calcium Channel Blocker (or thiazide-like diuretic) + ACE inhibitor
Is it advisable to give a Beta-blocker together with a thiazide-like diuretic to treat hypertension in those under 55 or white?
What is the third line treatment for hypertension in all patients?
ACE Inhibitor + Calcium Channel Blocker + Thiazide-like diuretics
What must you seek if the patient does not respond to third-line antihypertension treatment?
Specialist advice
What are the options when third-line antihypertension treatment fails?
1) Add low dose spironolactone
2) Increase the dose of the thiazide-like diuretic
If a patient does not tolerate an increased in their thiazide-like diuretic, what 2 other options can be considered?
- Alpha blocker
2. Beta blocker
Unless contra-indicated, what should all patients with established cardiovascular disease receive?
As well as aspirin, which other drug is used in patients with established or to prevent cardiovascular disease?
Is there evidence for the use of aspirin as primary prevention?
What is the blood pressure target for patients over 80?
Clinic: 150/90
Home: 145/85
What is the target blood pressure for patients with diabetes?
What is the target blood pressure for patients with diabetes in the presence of kidney, eye or cererbovascular disease?
Which antihypertensive is recommended in patients with diabetes?
ACE inhibitor
When can pregnancy women develop hypertension?
In the latter half
What are the 3 treatment options for hypertension in pregnancy?
- Labetalol
- Methyldopa
- MR Nifedipine (unlicensed)
What is the target BP of pregnant women with chronic hypertension?
What is the target BP of pregnant women with chronic hypertension and target organ damage / women with chronic hypertension who have given birth?
Which medication are pregnancy women at risk of pre-eclampsia recommended to take?
Aspirin from week 12 until the baby is born
How long after birth should antihypertensives be stopped in women with gestational hypertension?
2 days
If blood pressure is reduced too quickly in a hypertensive crisis, what is there a risk of?
Reduced organ perfusion leading to cerebral infarction, blindness, deterioration in renal function, myocardial ischaemia
What is a hypertensive emergency defined as?
Severe hypertension with acute damage to target organs
During a hypertensive crisis, prompt IV treatment is needed. What are the options? (7)
- Sodium nitroprusside
- Nicardipine
- Labetalol
- Phentolamine
- Hydralazine
- Esmolol
If BP is >180/110 and no acute organ damage, this is defined as hypertensive urgency. What is the treatment?
Oral antihypertensives