Chapter 2 Control and Coordination Flashcards
Endocrine system
The body system of glands that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream in order to regulate processes in various organs.
The maintenance of a relatively constant internal physiological environment of the body or part of the body (e.g. blood glucose level, pH, body temperature) in varying external conditions.
Changes in the environment that can be detected and responded to.
Sensory receptor
An organ that responds to a stimulus.
Nerve cell.
An appendage of the neuron that nervous impulses travel along to the next neuron or to an effector organ (muscle or gland).
A bundle of neurons.
Chemical released from the axon terminals into the synapse between your nerve cells (neurons) during a nerve impulse.
The gap between adjoining neurons across which electrical nervous impulses are sent.
Endocrine glands
Organs that produce hormones. Endocrine glands release their hormones into the bloodstream for transport to target organs.
Chemical substances produced by glands and circulated in the blood. Hormones have specific effects in the body.
The control of body temperature.
Central part of an atom, made up of protons and neutrons; roundish structure inside a cell that acts as the control centre for the cell.
Structure that relays information towards the cell body of a neuron.
A fatty, white substance that encases the axons (connecting branches) of the neurons in the nervous system.
Reflex action
A quick response to a stimulus. Reflex actions do not involve thought.
Loss of the ability to move.
Olfactory nerve
Nerve that sends signals to the brain from the chemoreceptors in the nose.