• any material that conducts electrical current.
• A wire is a common electrical ___________.
• consist of smaller wire strands.
• The basic reason for using a stranded conductor is to make the conductor __________
stranded conductorS, flexible
• constructed of one single piece of metal.
• tougher than a stranded conductor but rigid and less flexible.
• more likely to break if subjected to frequent flexing than stranded conductors.
solid conductors
• the best electrical conductor material (other than a superconductor material)
used in BUILDING CONDUCTOR (wiring) INSTALLATIONS as a compromise between GOOD CONDUCTIVITY AND ECONOMY. • The wire core is aluminum with a thin coating of _______ that is metallurgically bonded to the core
• has significant WEIGHT AND COST ADVANTAGES over copper. Copper does, however, conduct electricity better than aluminum, so an aluminum wiring installation requires a thicker ________.
• Also, extra care in splicing and terminating aluminum wire is important.
aluminum, gauge
• covered with insulation that provides electrical isolation and some physical protection of the conductor material.
• prevents loss of power and the danger of short circuits and ground faults.
• contains more than one CONDUCTOR BUNDLED together in a factory assembly of wires.
• An outer sheathing encases and protects the conductors, simplifying the installation of multiple wiring.
• a wiring system composed of VERY THIN CABLE with three or more conductors and special connectors and terminals.
• designed to rest between the topside of a smooth continuous subfloor and carpet squares.
• used in applications with voltages LESS THAN 30 V, such as wiring to doorbells, chimes, and thermostats.
• generally contains No. 16 AWG or No. 18 AWG conductors that are bundled in a thin plastic sheathing.
• made of stranded conductors within a flexible insulated sheathing material.
• They are designed for flexibility and bending.
A wiring method uses knobs, tubes, and flexible nonmetallic tubing to protect and support single Insulated conductors.
concealed knob-and-tube wiring
• Heat generated by current flow through the conductor results in a loss of power.
• This lost power is referred to as __________ or line loss..
conductor power loss
• Power loss is converted directly to ________. Power loss is equivalent to the ______ produced. The relationship between power and _______ is 1 W _______ Btu/hr. The following formula can compute the heat created (q) for a known power loss (Ploss):
heat, heat, heat, 3.413
• the MAXIMUM that a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its TEMPERATURE RATINg.
• Current is MEASURED in amperes or “_______.” You must use the correct size wire for the current (load) requirement of the circuit to prevent the wire from overheating.
conductor ampacity, amps
ampacity is based on the following:
wire thickness
type of conductor material
insulation and sheathing type
number of conductors bundled
• Because of power losses, voltage is reduced in a closed circuit — that is, the voltage across two conductors is lower at the usage end than at the power supply end of the circuit.
• _________ is directly proportional to power loss
Voltage drop