communication mechanism in the brain
responsible for complex problem solving and language
last part of brain to develop
cerebral cortex
the specialisation of the two sides, hemispheres, of the brain
activity of knowledge and the mental processes used to acquire knowledge and solve problems
cognitive development
changes that occur in mental skills and abilities over the course of life
adaption to environment
achieving _______
cognitive equilibrium
child as a _________
rearranging existing schemes into more complex ones
what occurs during adaption?
assimilation and accommodation
interpret new experiences with existing schemes
modifying existing schemes to interpret new experiences
Where is Piaget’s stage where sensory inputs and motor capabilities become coordinated?
milestones in sensorimotor stage
development of imitation
development of object permanence
Piaget underestimated infants abilities?
which of Piaget’s stages does the use of symbols increases?
Preoperational Stage
deficits of reasoning: animism
why does it rain? The clouds are crying)
deficits of reasoning: egocentrism
inability for children to take on someone else’s perspective
deficits of reasoning: appearance/reality
kids have a hard time distangling with what it looks like and what it is
deficits of reasoning: conservation
tall skinny glass of juice & shorter wide glass; kids are upset when they get the shorter one even if there is the same amount of juice in both
theory of mind
Theory of mind is the ability to understand that other people have their own thoughts, beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from one’s own.
Which of Piaget’s stage does more logical thinking and real objects and experiences occur
Concrete Operational Stage
what is the ability to order objects based on some common property?
arrange yourself of shorter and smaller
Mental seriation
what it is called when you can compare two objects via intermediate objects
transitive interference
Horizontal décalage
some children may be able to do conservation of volume but struggle with conservation of number, which is okay
which of Piaget’ stage does the thinking become more rational and systematic about abstract concepts and hypothetical events
Formal Operational
Contributions of Piaget
Founded discipline of cognitive development
Emphasised children’s active involvement in development
Attempted to explain; not just describe development
Provided overview of changes in thinking
Influenced other areas of development research (social, emotional)
Inspired much research
who is best known for Neo-Piagetian?
Robbie Case
existing knowledge was ____
repeated practice is important for ____
what was Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective
Cognitive development is driven by collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society
May vary from culture to culture
4 levels of analysis: Ontogenetic development
Development of a individual during their life span
If I want to understand you, I can not look at you right now I need to understand your whole life
4 levels of analysis: Microgenetic development
Changes over a brief period of time
Last september undergraduate student, this september pre service teacher
Need to know what is going on right now that influences you
4 levels of analysis: Phylogenetic development
Development of the species
Startle reflex
4 levels of analysis: Sociohistorical development
Norms, experiences that one gets from being apart of a socio-cultural group
Ex, western culture (individualism) eastern culture (collectivism)
Elders example
what is the difference between what a learner can accomplish alone and guidance of a more skilled partner
Zone of proximal development
what is the Understanding the students’ needs; giving information, prompts, reminders, and encouragement at the right time and in the right amounts; and then gradually allowing the students to do more and more on their own
The “Problem of the Match”
The students must be neither bored by work that is too simple nor left behind by teaching they cannot understand
Active Learning
Students should act, manipulate, observe, and then talk and/or write about what they have experienced
Assisted Learning
Guided participation in the classroom