Chapter 2: Ancient Egypt Flashcards
What is a nickname for the Nile?
“Giver of Life”
How did the Nile shape Ancient Egypt? (affect)
1) Agricultural lifestyles/work cycle
2) Transportation
3) Cultural Concept/religion
4) Trade Routes/Economics
What were the different lands?
Black land - close to the Nile and had fertile soil
Red land - hot, dry desert land away from the Nile
What were the gifts of the Nile? (provide)
1) Ability for transportation
2) Fertile soil (silt)=crops
3) Predictable rising/receding
4) Made trade easier
5) Papyrus
What kind of religion did the Ancient Egyptians follow?
Polytheistic, with about 78 gods. They had both home and city gods.
What were some physical/geographical features of Ancient Egypt?
1) Nile Delta
2) Nile River
3) Libyan/Nubian desert
4) Cataracts
5) Aswan Dam
6) Mediterranean Sea
7) Lake Victoria
What were some of the main Egyptian gods?
1) Osiris - afterlife + death
2) Isis - magic + children
3) Seth - desert + storms
4) Horus - life + earth
What was Ankh?
Symbol of long life
What was Maat?
A feather that represents balance
Where were most pyramids built?
The west side
What was religiously significant about the Pharaoh?
Believed to be Horus on Earth and Osiris in death. Also considered to be the son of Amon. This is an example of theocracy.
What is Ka?
What was the Book of the Dead?
What pharaohs used as a “guidebook” in the afterlife to pass through trials successfully. Included chants and spells to “cheat” their way into heaven.
Who could go on to the afterlife?
Originally, the afterlife was meant only for pharaohs. It was eventually “opened up” for everyone else so that they would do good in their lifetime.
How could someone go to the afterlife?
Body had to preserved/mummified. It was thought that in order to remain in the afterlife, the body must still be intact and protected by staying locked up in a pyramid. Any offering placed in the tomb could be taken with the Pharaoh to the afterlife.
What was ‘heaven’ called and what did if show about Ancient Egyptian views on death?
1) “Happy Field of Floods, resembling the Nile River.
2) Showed how much the Egyptians loved life. They were terrified of death and wanted to continue living forever.