Chapter 2 Flashcards
History of behavior therapy
Behavior therapy
Changing or controlling overt/Observable behaviors
Pelebene alter??
Roman: believed human behavior was controlled by the gods. Dionysus
Concerned about excess drinking, how to stop people who abuse alcohol.
(First understand how people drink, explaining most important aspect of psychology since it leads to a theory and once you have a theory it is easier to find how to change/control behavior)
Functional analysis of behavior
Done by cognitive therapists (such as people who work w/ autism)
Tells us when and why people drink
When/Why do you/people drink?
Functional analysis
Behavior —> effect or consequences
Drinking —-> adds effects (pleasant flavor)
Pleasant consequences
Sense of belonging
Anxiety (central nervous depressant)
Problems are forgot
Functional analysis on drinking
Tells us when people drink and why. Had effects or consequences 1) Produces pleasant consequences Humans seek pleasure 2) Also removes unpleasantness Humans avoid pain (anxiety, stress)
How to stop people from overt drinking?
Produce unpleasant consequences Putrefied spiders in drink Also did fermentation (Forfather behavior therapy) Antabuse-- given to people who have problems with alcohol-- combination produces horrible taste Aversion to good that made you sick
John locke
British philosopher
Born with a blank slate—we don’t have any ideas
Accumulate experiences which creta personality. Environment teaches behaviors
Wild boy of Aveyron, 1800
John-marc Itard- turn wild boy into civilized human
France, book
Forbidden experiment– would not put boy in initial conditions (sent to wild) on purpose
Developed techniques try to teach him to talk and eat and walk like we do, dress. Had a lot of challenges
Little girl in one bedroom. Genie, the secret of
Assigned to specialist to try to help her overcome such brutal environment. Had strange walk, couldn’t speak. Would hoard water and food
Maria Montessori
Used teaching techniques for viktor and genie
Alexander maconochie, 1840
North pole island. Supervise island near Australia
Developed system to control prisoners behavior
When they were appropriate/disciplined they would get a good mark then get more rights
Token economy
Behavior technique used in insane hospitals, late 1950’s
Special education
Earning tokens and then cash them in for something
Ivan pavlov
Nobel in physiology
Ended up studying a psychological processes
Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning
I’ve me a baby and I can turn him into any kind of man
The driving force of society is not love but fear
John B. Watson— behaviorism 1913– emotions unnecessary?
Relates to what philosophy?
Experimented on babies, at john hopkins. Checked reflexes
Babies have almost no fears but do have certain natural adversions. Not born afraid of dark.
“Little albert”
Political and social engineering for 20th century
Mary cover jones, 1924
Counter conditioning with something kid liked