Chapter 1 Flashcards
Cognitive processes (psychology)
Thinking Reasoning Planning memory forgetting Daydreaming - things that cannot be seen - emotions (Covert behaviors) in behavior modification CBT
Behaviors (psychology)
Yelling Smoking Hitting Walking Sleeping - Observable actions - (Overt behaviors) in behavior modification CBT
BM (behavior modification)
Behavior management
Cognitive therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy CBT
Behavior therapy
Used to change overt behavior
Psychology specific purposes
5 purposes:
1) change (overt and covert) behavior (unwanted behavior
2) control behavior (anger) or emotionally (UB)
3) describe behavior sad? Depressed? ( What is substance abuse, what is drug addict
4) explain (with theories) behavior (why something started, why how therapies work)
5) predict behavior (prognosis) (yes this person will be helped or not
Therapy (definition of professor)
Systematic process of motivating clients to help them.
To help them change and/or control
1) Thoughts, ideas
2) Emotions - (bodily or physiological responses)
3) behaviors (overt behaviors)
That lead to or produce
1) distress
2) disability
Psychology perspective or schools
1) Different areas of study
2) each provide different theories (answers why? How? why do kids start to smoke? How does it develop into addiction) - an explanation of several events/ multiple phenomenon (or model or paradigm) also used to predict behavior
Different angles
Substance use disorder
Technical term for a person who has a drug addiction
Biological perspective
Studying our behaviors from biological medium
1) genes (are there genetic predispositions?)
2) neuroscience, nervous system (how much of emotions is influenced by our brain?)
3) endocrine system, hormones (influence they have on our behaviors)
Our psychology depends on our biology. Our behaviors depend on the nervous system
How does our biologic make up influence our behaviors (cognitive processes)
Behavioral perspective (behaviourism)
“Psychology should study observable actions”
John B. watson (psychologist) behaviorism
1) observable actions (overt behaviors)
2) most are learned behaviors through environment– (consequence can also be unlearned) skinners terms of reinforcement
Thoughts and emotions are convert so we must study Observable actions
Humanistic perspective
Carl Rogers (therapist)
Abraham maslow
Study potential for people to become better people
We all have the potential to become the best that we can be.. potential to self actualize.
All of us have free will.
Most of our behavior is caused because we have free will (comes from existential philosophy).
We ultimately decide to engage or not engage in a behavior. Personal decisions is the ultimate cause of our behavior
Cognitive perspective schools
Founder: George miller (University professor)
“Psychology should start studying what goes on in ones mind”areas studied
An explanation to multiple phenomenon/ phenomena
Drug abusive disorder, why?
Cognitive P.
George Miller
Up to 1950 psychologist were behaviorists.
He said let’s study merry, reason, thinking. Now we can use science things that occur in our mind (1960’s).
Studying cognitive processes
Cross-cultural perspective
Likes and dislikes of cultures as well as acceptable norms like heavy drinking
Evolutionary perspective
Behavior that enhance reproductive success will be passed on to offspring such as (
Love allows for offering to be protected, this can be inherited to offering to guarantee advantage of survival
Free to natural threats also inherited for advantage of survival
People that inherit genetic predispositions to alcohol
Eclectic perspective (eclecticism)
theory of our behavior
Human behavior has multiple causes.
Variables affect behavior
Biopsychosocial model