Chapter 2 Flashcards
Concept of evolution before Darwin
Common: Religion (bible), Great Chain of being - fixity of species, earth young.
Emerging scientific views: earth old, surface has changed over time, plants + animals have changed
Study of Earth James Hutton (18th, scottish, Geological strata, uniformitarianism - processes acting in past, reaction so long that have impact) Charles Lyell (18th-19th, knew Darwin, Evidence for the antiquity of Earth - must be old to have all these formations) Baron Georges Cuvier (19th, Catastrophism - changes we see are products BIG catastrophes, opp. uniformitarianism, supports bible+evolution)
How did the theory of evolution come to be?
Any discovery takes place on what is known before. Not out of the blue.
Study of Fossils Robert Hooke (17th, Fossil wood, 1st use microscope + apply "cell" to bio. materials) Georges Cuvier (AGAIN!!!, organisms can go extinct, diff. fossils in diff. geological strata - under water x= land)
Taxonomy and Systematics
Study of classification and relationships of organisms Carolus Linnaeus (18th, naming syst. for all living organisms, clustered hierarchy, genus + species - Sytema Natrurae)
Study of pop. Thomas Malthus (1-every pair of parents has several offspring 2-pop. size remains same. 3-pop. is limited by food supply 4- members of pop. compete for food 5- no two members of a species are identical, variation exists.)
Evolutionary biology
Study of organisms and their changes over time.
Who came up w/ idea of evolution before Darwin?
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - inheritance of acquired characteristics. THE GIRAFFEs + their elongating necks.
Darwin + HMS Beagle
Degree in theology, was recommended as naturalist for voyage, be a friend for captain, spent 3 yrs circling globe. Start= fixity of species End = all the data to develop the theory of natural selection
What did Darwin actually do?
From Lyell + Hutton ( earth old, uniformitarianism) From Cuvier (Fossils resemble living forms) From Malthus ( ideas - reproduction, pop., variation) From Linnaeus + Lamarck (species related and can change)
Alfred Russell Wallace (19th)
Independently discovered Natural Selection @ same time as Darwin. On the Origin of Species published 1859
Mechanism of inheritance
Gregor Mendel (19th, Laws of inheritance - No blending inheritance; discrete units: genes; diff. versions: alleles; dominant and recessive) Ideas went underground and resurfaced 20th. Mendelian inheritance.
Evolutionary Synthesis
Mendel’s theory of heredity. Darwin’s theory of evolution ( how do new genes appear = mutation)
Gene Flow
When a subset of a species meet they fight and breed. Migration = gene combination through reproduction. (Humans do not breed randomly = societal pressures + physical attraction)
Genetic Drift
Effect of random chance on small pop. (founders effect) RED FISH.
Things Darwin got wrong
Bipedalism = env. change + freed hands for tool use INCORRECT
= upright walking evolved in forest habitats. Tools later on.