Chapter 2 Flashcards
A process by which organisms become better suited to their environment and thereby increase their reproductive success
Adaptive radiation
The diversification of a group of organisms into forms filling different ecological niches
Co-residence duration
Cue of relatedness; the longer two individuals lived together throughout childhood, the more likely they are related
A mate is led to believe that another person’s child is their own
Differential reproduction
Organisms have different rates of reproductive success
Diminishing marginal gains
A decline in the gain a person derives from the consumption of each additional unit of a product
Direct fitness
Personal survival and reproduction
The science of trying to improve the human population by controlled breeding to increase desirable heritable traits
Species with radical reproductive division of labour; a single female or caste produces the offspring and sterile individuals cooperate in caring for the young
Ones reproductive ability
An organisms reproductive success, their ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment
Fluctuating asymmetry
A measure of bilateral traits that are symmetrical over the population as a whole, but not necessarily for an individual. Higher symmetry is considered more desirable.
A haploid cell that is able to unite with another opposite sex cell to form a zygote
Genetic relatedness (r)
An estimate of the proportion of genes shared between individuals
Hamilton’s Rule