Chapter 2 Flashcards
Common causes for disputes in small-scale societies (7)
- women
- improper food distribution
- asymmetrical gift exchange
- laziness
- stringiness
- theft
- murder
Goal of dispute settlement
restore harmonious relationships in mutually agreeable ways so as to not impede group life
Self-based redress
the harmed party took matters into their own hands in order to seek settlement (revenge, negotiation, compensation)
Kin-based redress
a member of family sought a settlement on behalf of a harmed family member
Self/kin based redress- punishment
public criticism, shaming, ostracism, group expulsion
- light punishment was preferred
- group expulsion meant death for individual which weakened the group
Advisor system
counsel advisor sought by disputants, high-status figures (hunters, speakers, warriors)
- acted as a moral authority, made recommendations but did not enforce anything
Ca central farm owned by a landlord and small land holdings for a class of farm labourers - created collective responsibility
Centralization of power (3)
- dispute settlements replaced by feudal lords and laws, trial by ordeal
- William the conqueror, normal kings saw themselves as the injured party (crime against their peace) therefore compensation paid to them
- king’s writs and courts created common law
The coalition of merchants and monarchs
- merchants provide money (taxes, loans)
- crown provides land, safe trading, laws of commerce (ex. contract law)
- paved way for lawyers
Transnational corporations
- powerful special interest groups
- influence state policies and laws and have the resources to resist governments efforts to regulate them
Ex. Ford (pinto), worker’s exposure to asbestos, exploitation of free trade zones
Crisis of legitimacy
inability of the state to regulate
- practices of big corporations
- pollution
- ecocide
- levels of inequality