Chapter 2 Flashcards
Which country was only source for diamonds till 18th century?
Name 4 famous diamonds sourced from India?
Koh-i-Noor, Great Mogul, Hope, Dresden Green
Who wrote about visiting Krishna Valley diamonds mine in the 13 century?
Marco Polo
Which name was associated with fine quality diamonds?
How long India was the only source for diamonds?
Almost 2,500 years, 800-600 BC to 18th century
Which country was the world’s leading diamond producer from the 1700’s to late 1800’s?
When were earliest accounts of diamond discoveries in Brazil?
In late 16th century.
When Brazil’s diamond sources were officially announced?
In 1729 after reports from colonial governor caught the attention of European rulers.
When Brazil’s diamond production reached its peak?
In the mid 1700s, more than 1.5 milion carats of diamonds were reportedly exported to Europe between 1732 and 1771.
In which time Brazil was the world’s leading diamond producer?
From the early 1700’s to the late 1800’s.
What discovery and where attracted prospectors to the area in Africa?
Discovery of the Star of South Africa (The Dudley) at Zandfontein in 1869.
Prospector’s term for diamond deposits away from water?
Dry diggings
In which river bank Star of South Africa has being found?
Vaal River
How much weighted Star of Africa?
83.50 ct
How many diggers came to dig for diamonds after finding Star of South Africa?
Around 10,000
How much Schalk van Niekerk payed to shepherd for the Dudley?
1 horse, 10 oxen, and 500 sheep (~150 pounds)
How much Niekerk got for diamond?
11,200 £ which is now ~56,000 $.
Why miners moved to dry diggings?
In riverbed they had to stand for hours in the water and risk a flooded claim.
How many miners worked in Kimberley area?
30,000 miners, 3600 tents over 42 acres area.
How long Kimberley mine was in operation?
Between March 31, 1871 to August 4, 1914.
How deep in Kimberley mine pit become?
240 meter deep, it’s named today “Big Hole”
Why miners began to form partnerships and small companies?
Soft surface layer ran out, miners found hard rock which required more capital investments and and advanced equipment.
Who stood out and became competitors?
Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato.
By when Rhode’s company held all claims in the Beers mine?
By 1887
Who took control of all claims in the De Beers and Kimberley mines?
Cecil Rhodes
Who was dominant shareholder in in Kimberley mine?
Barney Barnato
What was idea of Rhodes to stabilize prices of diamonds?
He developed concept of controlling of production.
Why Rhodes named his company De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd.?
After the owners of a farm where one of the first diamond rushes took place.
When Rhodes est. his company?
On March 12, 1888.
What is London Diamond Syndicate?
A group of diamond merchants formed in 1890 to buy and sell rough diamonds.
What is CSO?
Central Selling Organization an agency that functioned as the sales arm of De Beers.
What is DTC?
The marketing and sales arm of De Beers (the CSO was its predecessor).
How centrally controlled marketing strategy for rough diamonds was called?
Single-channel marketing.
What happened in 1890 in London?
A group of London diamond merchants united to form an organization known as the London Diamond Syndicate, which contracted to buy and sell all the output of major diamond producers, including De Beers
Who assumed chairmanship in the De Beers when Great Depression hit in 1929?
Ernst Oppenheimer.
What De Beers did to solidify its marketing strategy?
Through centralized control of rough diamond supply, buying, marketing, and sales.
What led to the DeBeers’s dominance of of the diamond industry?
The combination of the single-channel market and advertising campaign.
What was belief of Ernst Oppenheimer?
He held belief that that stability of the trade could be maintained only by selling diamonds through a single channel and limiting the number of diamonds on the market.
What was the tactic during great depression of DeBeers?
Minimizing own mining output and maximize buying production from others, until diamond price and demand recovered.
How long CSO was dominant body sales channel?
For nearly six decades.
What did DeBeers to boost diamonds demand after the II War?
Hired a Philadelphia advertising agency, N.W. Ayer & Son.
What slogan and by whom has being created in 1947?
“A diamond is forever” by Mary Frances Gerety
What established by DeBeers campaing?
Tradition of the diamond engagement ring worldwide.
What happened after DeBeers began its global campaign?
Diamond became the number one engagement ring stone worldwide
When long reign of DeBeers started to sway?
In the mid 1990s because of rising producers from Russia, private min.comp. in Australia and Canada.
What made for De Beers difficult to control diamond supply?
Rise of important new producers.
Which producer played critical role in transforming industry after 1950s?
In 1970s which place took Russia in production of diamonds?
What coincide with single-channel disintegration in 1990s?
Collapse of Soviet Union
What company and when was established by Russian Federation when De Beers lost ability to control the market?
ALROSA, 1990s
When and where in Australia rich diamond deposit was dicoveried?
In Western Australia in 1979
A commitment to reserve a portion of resources derrived from a country for the economic development of that country.
Which government became partner with De Beers?
Botswana government formed with DeBeers “Debswana” in 1969.
What happened after disintegration of single-channel supply and sales of rough?
Industry transformed to multi-channel.
When CSO became DTC?
In 2000.
How many segments has diamond value chain?
Six segments
DVC Segment 1
DVC Segment 2
Rough sorting and distribution
DVC Segment 3
cutting and polishing
DVC Segment 4
faceted diamond trading
DVC Segment 6
retail sales
DVC Segment 5
jewelry manufacturing
Define upstream section of diamond value chain?
Rough diamond mining and rough distribution diamond value chain
Define downstream section of diamond value chain?
Retail portion of the diamond value chain.
Which value chain segment is the most risk and unpredictable?
Name 3 major diamond source countries?
Russia, Africa and Canada.
Which year is historic high for diamond production?
What is the name for large scale industry leader specializing in diamond mining?
Which two companies supply more than half of the world’s rough diamond by value?
Alrosa & De Beers.
How many deposits ALROSA operates in Russia?
More than 20 deposits
In which mining regions in Russia ALROSA operates?
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Arhangelsk
Where De Beers operates?
Botswana, Canada, Namibia and South Africa
What requires diamond mining?
Heavy duty equipment and the removal of a large amount of earth.
How mining begins?
With exploration, which consists of multiple phases of prospecting and evaluation.
Name three major steps in mining?
Ore extraction, ore processing, and stone extraction.
Name two big challenges in diamond mining companies?
Uncertainty and capital investment.
What is objective of rough sorting?
To facilitate rough diamond sales.
What determines the income of mining companies?
Income depends on the amount of diamonds extracted and the market price of rough diamonds.
What is the first value-adding process on the journey of diamonds?
Rough sorting
Name activity that adds something to a product that increases its value for consumers.
How are called diamonds that meet certain criteria to be used as gems in jewelry market?
Gem-quality diamonds.
How are called diamonds designated to industrial use?
Industrial diamonds./Bort/