Belmishes&Inclusions Flashcards
What is a mineral crystal contained in a diamond?
a Crystal (Xtl)
What is a long thin crystal that looks like a tiny rod at 10x?
a Needle (Ndl)
What is a very small included crystal that looks like a tiny dot at 10x?
a Pinpoint (Pp)
What are many tightly grouped pinpoints that appear hazy at 10x?
a Cloud (Cld)
What is a series of pinpoints clouds or crystals in a diamond’s growth plane?
a Twinning Wisp (TW)
What are lines angles or curves caused by irregularities in crystal growth?
Internal Graining (IG)
What is a small concentrated area of crystal distortion; can appear white or dark?
a Grain Center (GC)
What is a break in a gemstone often white and feathery in appearance?
a Feather (Ftr)
What is an angular opening extending into the stone from the surface?
an Etch Channel (EC)
What are minute feathers running perpendicular to a bruted girdle?
a Bearded Girdle (BG)
What is a tiny area of impact with root-like feathers visible at 10x magnification?
a Bruise (Br)
What is an included diamond crystal extending to the surface after fashioning?
a Knot (K)
What is a naturally occurring radiation stain left on a polished diamond?
a Patch of Color (Patch)
What is a shallow opening caused by damage typically at a girdle edge or facet junction?
a Chip (Ch)
What is an opening on the surface caused by part of a feather breaking away or a crystal dropping out?
a Cavity (Cav)
What is a portion of the rough’s original surface that dips below the polished surface at 10x?
an Indented Natural (IN)
What is a tiny surface-reaching tunnel produced by a laser?
a Laser Drill-Hole (LDH)
What is laser drilling within a diamond that doesn’t reach the surface?
Internal Laser Drilling (ILD)