Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are the four components to the leaderships concept?
- leadership is a process
- leadership involves influence
- leadership occurs in groups
- leadership involves common goals
John Kotter described the leadership process as producing movement through what 3 concepts?
- Establishing direction
- Alining people
- motivating and inspiring
To have a successful organization it is said that two things are needed. What are they?
Both leadership and management
Management looks at what type of timeframes? They can be a few months to the next fiscal year.
Northouse summarized 60 years of research into 5 major leadership traits
- intelligence
- self confidence
- determination
- integrity
- sociability
Robert Katz developed a three-skill approach for personal development
- technical
- human
- conceptual
What does the behavior approach emphasize?
The personality characteristics of the leader
What does the skills approach emphasize?
The capabilities of the leader
The behavior approach focuses on what?
Leaders do and how they act.
Task behaviors facilitate goal accomplishment and help group members achieve?
Relationship behaviors help followers feel?
Comfortable with themselves, each other, and the situation
In the 1990’s the grid theory was applied to whom?
Aircraft and aerospace teams
Which management style represents the lowest level of concern for both results and people?
Impoverished, or indifferent
An authority-compliance or (controlling manager) demonstrates what type of concern for results? others?
High concern, low concern
What two situations would you see an autocratic leadership style?
1st situation occurs in a high risk emergency setting
2nd situation occurs when the fire officer may need to take corrective action and needs to control the situation
The country club or (accommodating manager) demonstrates what type of concern for results? others?
Low concern, high concern
An accommodating manager is likely to be?
Fun, friendly, and always ready to listen with sympathy and encouragement
The controlling (authority-compliance manager) and accommodating (country club manager styles are?
Diametrically opposed in their perspectives
What is a key aspect of the status quo approach?
Emphasis on maintaining popular status within the team and organization
The laissez-faire approach encompasses what type of leadership style?
Effective, when working with experienced firefighters and handling routine duties that pose little personal hazard
The team management (or sound) manager demonstrates what type of concern for results and people?
No contradiction for high results and people at the same time.
Specialized and high technical fire companies use what type of leadership approach?
Which approach stresses that leadership is composed of both a directive and a supportive dimension?
The situational
What are the four distinct categories of directive and supportive behavior?
- S1, high directive-low supportive also known at the “directing” style
- S2, high directive-high supportive also know as the “coaching” style
- S3, high supportive-low directive also known as the “supporting” style
- s4, low supportive-low directive also known as the “delegating” style
What is transformational leadership?
Gives more attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership
Although authentic leadership does not have a clear definition, what are the 5 dimensions of authentic leaders?
- purpose
- values
- relationships
- self-discipline
- heart
What is servant leadership?
An approach that focuses on leadership from the point of view of the leader and his or her behaviors
What is adaptive leadership?
How leaders encourage people to adapt when confronted with problems, challenges, and changes
What are the 6 leadership behaviors based on the work of Ronald Heifetz?
- get on the balcony
- identify the adaptive challenge
- regulate distress
- maintain disciplined attention
- give the work back to people
- protect leadership voices
What is followership?
Is a process whereby an individual or individuals except the influence of others to accomplish a common goal.
Why is followership particular important for the fire officer?
Because subordinates are always aware of what the fire officer does
What is power?
The capacity of one party to influence another party
Types of power:
Legitimate power – the target person believes that the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply.
Reward power – the target person complied to obtain records belief to be controlled by the agent.
Expert – the target person complies due to a belief that the agent has special knowledge .
Referent power - the target person, complies, due to admiration of or identification with the agent and seeks approval.
Coercive power – the target person complies to avoid punishment believe to be controlled by the agent .
Personal power – includes expert, and refer power reflects the effectiveness of the individual .
Positional power - the role and individual has within the organization. Legitimate reward and coercive power are the three examples of positional power.
What are the three examples of positional power?
Legitimate, reward, and coercive
A fire officer must balance the expectations of the employer with the realities of?
A fire work environment, and the desire to create an effective team
At various times during the workday, a company officer should make it a practice to?
Walk around the fire station and observe what’s going on.
What are two values that every firefighter should demonstrate?
Responding to emergencies and preserving the public trust
How many leadership traits do the marines identify??
Most fire officers finds out their greatest challenge…
Relates to managing people
Human resources management focuses on?
The task of managing people using physical, financial, and time assets.
Typical human resources management functions are as follows:
Human resources, planning, employee relations, staffing, human resources, development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee health, safety, and security
Human Resource Planning is…
The process of having the right number of people in the right place at the right time who can accomplish a task efficiently and effectively
Staffing is…
The process of attracting, selecting, and maintaining an adequate supply of labor.
Human Resources development
Includes all activities to train and educate the employees
What is a mission statement?
A formal document that outlines the basic reason for the organization’s existence and states how it sees itself
What is the best tool to improve time efficiency?
What are the seven steps to effective delegation?
-Define your desired results.
-select the appropriate firefighter.
-determine the level of delegation.
-clarify expectations, and set parameters. -Give authority to match the level of responsibility.
-provide background information.
-Arrange feedback during the process.
Step three level of delegation relates to the amount of decision making authority provided to the firefighter. The firefighter has five options that are listed below.
- Take action independently – no need to report back to the officer .
- Take action and report back to the officer when done (as with a task assignment within the incident command system).
- Recommend action that the company officer must approve.
- Provide two or more recommended actions from which the company officer will choose.
- Provide information about the pros and cons of different recommendations.
Crew resource management
Is a behavioral approach to reducing human error and high risk or high consequence activities.
The fire officer role and crew resource management is said to be?
Most unique and vital leadership responsibility
What year was crew resource management developed? And who created the system?
1979 by NASA
Why was crew resource management developed?
To examine the role of human error in aviation accidents
What percentage of reduction in aviation industries, accident rate is attributed to the development, refinement and system wide adoption of CRM?
80 percent
Who developed the CRM?
Professor Robert, Helmerich and his staff at the University of Texas human factors, research project.
Who reviewed aviation accidents as the technical investigator for the Canadian aviation safety board?
Gordon Dupont
DuPont’s “Dirty dozen” list of ways that humans make mistakes are…
- Lack of communication.
- Complacency.
- Lack of knowledge.
- Destruction.
- Lack of teamwork.
- Fatigue.
- Lack of resources.
- Pressure.
- Lack of assertiveness.
- Stress.
- Lack of awareness.
- Norms.
James Reason sites two reasons that explain why holes appear in the layers of defense, they are….
Active failures and latent conditions
Active failures are…
The unsafe acts committed by people who are in direct contact with the situation or system.
Latent conditions are…
The inevitable “resident pathogens” within the system
Examples of latent conditions are as follows:
-Time pressure
-Inadequate equipment
The CRM incorporates three activities:
Avoidance, entrapment and mitigating consequences.
Homeworks error management model encompasses what three things on a triangular diagram?
The fire service CRM model covers what six areas?
Communication skills
Task allocation
Critical decision making
Situational awareness
Post incident analysis
Catastrophes are the result of what?
Chain of events
Inquiry and advocacy are discrete learnable skills that promote what?
Synergy between the mechanical element, and the human players in a scenario
Inquiry is the process of?
Questioning a situation that causes concern
Advocacy is?
The statement of opinion that recommends what the person believes is the proper course of action under a specific set of circumstances.
The inquiry and advocacy process, and the assertive statement are social components of?
The communication segment of CRM
What is the triangle of leadership?
Effective leadership
Trust and respect
Leadership skills
For an officer to become a truly effective leader they must?
Earn the trust and respect of their subordinates, and demonstrate the skills of effective leadership
True respect is based on what three competencies?
Personal, technical and social
What is a highly effective technique when mentoring?
Leading by example
The focal point of CRM and conflict resolution is?
To focus on what is right not who is right?
In the cockpit who retains ultimate authority for decision-making, an ultimate responsibility for getting the plane from airport to airport?
The captain
Self assessment should consider four critical areas.
- Physical condition.
- Mental condition.
- Attitude.
- Understanding human behavior.
To be effective team players and maximize CRM benefits, each individual must have the following characteristics:
A healthy appreciation for personal safety
A healthy concern for the safety of the crew
A respect for authority
A willingness to accept orders
A knowledge of the limits of authority
A desire to help their leader be successful
Good communication skills
The ability to provide constructive, pertinent feedback
The ability to admit errors
The ability to keep one’s ego in check
The ability to balance, assertiveness and authority
A learning attitude
The ability to perform demanding tasks
Task allocation refers to…
Dividing responsibilities among individuals and teams in a manner that allows them to be accomplished effectively
Kleins research identified two decision-making models:
Recognition, primed decision-making
Naturalistic decision-making
Recognition primary decision-making RPD is defined as
How commanders can recognize a plausible plan of action.
Naturalistic decision-making is described as?
How commanders make decisions in their natural environment
Decision-making is improved through?
Gaining experience, training constantly, improving communication skills, and engaging and pre-incident planning.
Situational awareness is…
The ongoing activity of assessing what is going on around you during the complex and dynamic environment of a fire incident.
What six steps should be followed to maintain emergency scene, situational awareness?
- Fight the fire. - keep such an awareness current
- Assess problems in the time available. - keep a balance between rushing and an evaluate before attacking an incipient fire.
- Gather information from all sources. - Use your crew as informational resources.
- Choose the best option. - Once all of the factors have been weighed, choose the option that maximizes results and minimizes risk.
- Monitor results and alter the plan as necessary. - Maintain continual evaluation of the effectiveness of the decisions and have a backup plan ready.
- Beware of awareness loss factors. - the following lost factors must be taken into account:
Improper procedure
Unresolved discrepancy
Nobody fighting the fire
Post incident analysis should always focus on…
Lessons and positive experiences