Chapter 2 Flashcards
What are the 3 kinds of ribosomes and where are their proteins created?
- ribosomes on membrane of ER
-> intermembrane proteins - inter-membrane ribosomes on ER
-> proteins inside ER - ribosomes free floating outside of ER
-> cytoplasmic proteins
What is the coding strand (+ strand)?
The strand that codes for the mRNA that creates the protein (ex: if ATGC is sequence on +coding DNA strand, then it’s complementary strand (TACG) is transcribed into AUGC on mRNA strand)
What is a Bacteriophage?
A virus that attacks bacteria
What is Transduction?
DNA injected or pulled in to bacteria spontaneously (usually by virus)
What is Transformation?
Bacteria purposefully pulling free-floating DNA into itself
What is Conjugation?
When 2 bacteria cells connect to transfer DNA
(basically bacterial sexual reproduction!)
What is a Transposon?
A nucleic acid sequence in DNA that can change its position within a genome, sometimes creating or reversing mutations and altering the cell’s genetic identity and genome size
What is a plasmid?
A small, often circular DNA molecule found in bacteria and other cells
How is a trait different than a gene? Can multiple genes be involved in the expression of one trait?
A trait is the expression of the gene. Multiple genes CAN be involved in the expression of one trait.
What is a gene?
A section of DNA that codes for (usually) 1 protein.
What did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck do?
Before Darwin’s “Natural Selection”, Lamark proposed that traits are inherited based on lifetyle choices of parents.
What did Charles Darwin do?
Proposed Evolution: survival of the fittest (beneficial mutations are passed on)
What did Gregor Mendel do?
Discovered and described the transmission of genetic traits
What did Walter Flemming do?
Discovered MITOSIS (condensed chromosomes!)
First to detail the chromosomal movements in the process of mitosis
What did Thomas Hunt Morgan do?
Proposed that chromosomes are made of genes!
- Brought to light Mendel’s writings:
Discovered that genes are stored in chromosomes inside the nuclei