Chapter 2 Flashcards
Human Behavior in Social Environment
The Family Life Cycle
- Family of origin
- Leaving home
- Premarriage Stage
- Childless couple stage
- Family with young children
- Family with adolescents
- Launching Stage
- Later family life
Theories of Couples Development
- Romance
- Power Struggle
- Stability
- Commitment
- Co-Creation
Acting out
emotional conflict is dealt with through actions rather than feelings
enables one to make up for real or fancied deficiencies
the repressed urge is expressed disguised as a disturbance of body function usually of the sensory, voluntary nervous system
deterioration of existing defenses
primitive defense inability to acknowledge the true significance of thoughts, feelings, wishes, behavior, or external reality factors that are consciously intolerable.
a defense mechanism frequently used by persons with borderline personality disorder in which a person attributes exaggerated negative qualities to self or another
a process that enables a person to split mental functions in a manner that allows him or her to express forbidden or unconscious impulses without taking responsibility for the action either because he or she is unable to remember the disowned behavior
directing an impulse, wish, or feeling toward a person or situation that is not real
overestimation of an admired aspect or attribute of another
universal mechanism, whereby a person patterns himself or herself after a significant other
Identification with the Aggressor
mastering anxiety by identifying with a powerful aggressor (such as an abusive parent) to counteract feelings of helplessness and to feel powerful oneself.
primitive mechanism in which psychic representation of a person or parts of a person are figuratively ingested
loss of motivation to engage in activity avoided because it might stir up conflict over forbidden impulses
loved or hated external objects are symbolically absorbed within the self
where the person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic
Isolation of Affect
unacceptable impulse, idea, or act is separated from its original memory source, thereby removing the original emotional charge associated with it
primitive defense; attributing one disowned attitudes, wishes, feelings, and urges
Projective identification
a form of projection utilized by persons with BPD
third line of defense; not unconscious
Reaction Formation
person adopts affects, ideas, attitudes, or behaviors that are opposites of those he or she harbors consciously or unconsciously
partial or symbolic return to more infantile patterns of reacting or thinking
key mechanism; expressed clinically by amnesia or symptomatic forgetting serving to banish unacceptable ideas
a defensive mechanism associated with BPD in which a person perceives self and others as “all good” or “all bad”
potentially maladaptive feelings or behaviors are diverted into socially acceptable, adaptive channels
mental representation stands for some other formation and some other symptoms
Turning Against Self
defense to deflect hostile aggression or unacceptable impulses from another to self
a person uses words or actions to symbolically reverse or negate unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or actions.
Risk factors for alcohol and other drug abuse
- Family
- Social
- Psychiatric
- Behavioral
Models believed to explain the causes of substance abuse
- Biopsychosocial
- Medical
- Self-medication
- Family and environmental
- Social model
Goals of substance abuse treatment
- Abstinence from substances
- Maximizing life function
- Preventing or reducing the frequency and severity of relapse
Stages of Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
- Stabilization
- Rehabilitation/habilitation
- Maintenance
Treatment Approaches for Substance Use Disorder
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Psychosocial or psychological
- Behavioral therapies
- Self-help groups
a group makes faulty decisions because of group pressure
Group polarization
occurs during group decision-making when discussion strengthens a dominant point of view and results in a shift
diagrams of family relationships beyond a family tree allow a social worker and client to visualize hereditary patterns and psychological factors.