Chapter 2 Flashcards
Neurological deficits treated by PTA’s include:
Multiple techniques, signs & symptoms
Parts of Nagi disablement Model
Disease: (Physician) Interruption or interference with normal processes
Impairments: (PT & PTA) Anatomical physiological, mental or emotional abnormality or loss
Functional Limitations: (PT &PTA) Limitation in performance at the level of the person.
Disability: (PT & PTA) Limitation in performance of socially defined roles and tasks within the environment
Spasticity is?
Excessive muscle tone producing resistance to passive movement.
INcreased resistance to passive movement of the joint secondary to abnormal mm tone which varies with amplitude and speed of the displacement of a joint.
Ashworth scale to grade spasticity
0 None
1- catch and release or min resistance @ end range
1+catch followed by min resistance through remaining range
2- increased tone through most range but easily moved
3-considerable tone and passive range is difficult
4- Rigidity
Spasticity Vs Rigidity?
Spasticity: uni-directional velocity and amplitude dependent. Caused by: cortico-spinal tract. Example: clasp Knife
Rigidity: Bi-directional, non-velocity, non-amplitude dependent. Caused by: usually extra pyramidal origins. Example: cog-wheel
Brain, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord
all the components outside the cranium and spinal cord
-Divided into somatic and automatic nervous system
Afferent Neurons
Sensory: receive input from periphery of the body and transport to CNS
Connect neurons to other neurons
Efferent Neurons
“Exit” motor neurons transmit to mm to produce movement
Non-neuronal, support other neurons
Maintain capillary endothelium, vascular links to neurons
Wrap myelin sheaths around axons ( in white matter) Satellite cells produced (in gray matter) help with ion exchange between neurons
White matter
composed of axons, carry information away from cell bodies
-Found in brain and spinal cord
Gray matter
large number of nerve cell bodies and dendrites (give grayish coloration
a. covers cerebrum, called cerebral cortex
b.present deep in spinal cord
Note: cerebrum covers 2/3 of the brain mass and lies over and around most brain structures