Chapter 1c: Anaerobic and aerobic exercise Flashcards
What is aerobic exercise and what is the equation?
Exercise in the presence of oxygen/O2
Oxygen + Glucose > Energy + CO2 + Water(H2O)
What is anaerobic exercise and what is the equation?
Exercise in the absence of/without oxygen
Glucose > Energy + Lactic Acid
What is lactic acid?
Waste product from anaerobic exercise
What is oxygen debt?
Temporary oxygen shortage in the body due to strenuous exercise.
What does EPOC stand for and what does it mean?
Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption
Increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity.
What does DOMS stand for and what does it mean?
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness
The pain/stiffness following the days after strenuous exercise. Caused by tiny tears in muscle fibres.
What is a cramp?
Involuntary contraction of a muscle
What are a few short-term effects of exercise?
. Nausea
. Cramps
What is the recovery process from vigorous exercise?
. Cool down
. Rehydration
. Ice bath
. Massage
What is a cool down?
Undertaken after exercise to speed up recovery such as walking, jogging, static stretches etc. Removes waste products like lactic acid and decreases body temperature.
What is an ice bath?
Immersion in cold water to prevent muscle soreness. It constricts blood vessels and flushes waste products like lactic acid, out of the affected tissue.
What is rehydration?
Replacing lost water, minerals and carbohydrates after exercise.
What is a massage?
The rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints with the hands.
What are a few long-term effects of exercise?
. Hypertrophy
. Bradycardia
. Lose fat
What is hypertrophy?
Increase in size of muscles/heart due to long term exercise
What is bradycardia?
Lower resting heart rate due to long-term exercise. You have achieved bradycardia if your heart rate is below 60 BPM