Chapter 1a : Applied Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
What are the functions of the skeleton?
. Support
. Protection
. Movement
. Structural shape and points for attachment
. Mineral storage
. Blood cell reproduction
How does the the skeleton SUPPORT the body?
Bones keep us upright and hold muscles in place
How does the skeleton PROTECT the body?
It surrounds and protects vital organs from damage.
What do the LONG BONES do in the body?
Long bones support weight of the body and helps with gross movements.
How does the skeleton help with MOVEMENT?
Muscles contract to pull the bone of the body
What do red blood cells do?
It carries oxygen to the muscles
What do white blood cells do?
It fights infections
What is a joint?
Place where two or more bones meet
What is a synovial joint?
Type of joint commonly found in the limbs; contains a synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid.
What is the cartilage?
It covers the end of the bones, providing a smooth, friction-free surface
What is synovial fluid?
Produced by the synovial membrane to lubricate the joint.
What is a capsule?
Tough fibrous tissue - surrounds synovial joints; usually supported by ligaments.
What are ligaments?
They join bone to a bone.
What is a dislocation?
When the bones of a joint separate from their normal position.
What is a bursae?
A fluid-filled bag that helps reduce friction in a joint.
What is a tendon?
Attaches muscles to a bone.
What is a hinge joint?
A joint that allows flexion and extension.
What is flexion?
A Movement where the angle between bones reduces.
What is extension?
Movement where the angle between bones increases.
What is a vertebrae?
Bones that form the spine or backbone.
What is a ball and socket joint?
A joint that allows many movements: flexion and extension; abduction and adduction; and rotation.
What is range of movement?
A measure of the flexibility of a joint in terms of the different movements allowed.
What is abduction?
Movement where limbs are moved away from the body.
What is adduction?
Movement where limbs are moved back towards the body.