Chapter 19 - Evolution Of The Universe Flashcards
What is the Planck time?
First 10^-43s after Big Bang = shortest interval into which time can be divided
Why can’t we know about before the Big Bang?
The condensing of all matter to one point destroyed ‘fossil’ evidence
Stages 1-5 (only 3) with time from Big Bang and temp (K) and what?
1) time - 0s
temp - infinite
what? Infinitely small, infinitely dense, all 4 fundamental forces unified
2/3) time - 10^-6s
temp - 10^14K
what? Quark and lepton soup
4/5) time - 10^-3s
temp - 10^12K
what? Quarks combine to form hadrons such as protons and neutrons
Stages 6-8 with time from Big Bang and temp (K) and what?
6) time - 10^2s
temp - 10^7K
what? ‘Primordial’ helium nuclei form by fusion
7) time - 3x10^5years
temp - 10^4K
what? Electrons combine with neutrons to make atoms. Universe becomes transparent tf ER moves freely.
8) time - 10^6years - present
temp - 10^3 - 2.7K
what? matter clumps to form gas clouds, stars, dust, galaxies etc. Universe saturated with ER approximately 2.7K
Where did the mass of the universe come from and equation?
In the first second it came from pair production
γ + γ -> e- + e+
Gamma + gamma -> electron + positron
Look at temp/time graph in notes?
3 pieces of evidence for standard model?
Redshift showing expanding universe
Old light showing chemicals (explain)
Detectors detecting cosmic background radiation in space (explain)
Explain first piece (old light) of evidence?
Scientists looking at distant galaxies are seeing light from start of universe. Using spectrometers they can only see 4 chemicals (H, He, Li, Be). Standard model predicts that only these 4 could be formed in the first years of the universe tf implies it is correct
Explain second piece (cosmic background radiation) of evidence?
Detectors can detect cosmic background radiation in space (roughly 2.7K) in all directions that is uniform. This confirms isotropic nature of universe and tf backs up cosmological principal
What is the standard model of the universe?
The Big Bang
Define cosmic microwave background radiation and what is it?
ER radiation in the microwave region of the spectrum that corresponds to a temperature of the universe of 2.7.
It is cooled remnants of radiation which started travelling the universe after the big bang
Why is the temperature in the universe falling?
As the universe expands, space expands, stretching ER waves to longer wavelengths therefore reducing temperature
Define open universe?
A model of the universe in which gravitational force cannot halt the expansion of matter therefore the universe will expand forever.
Define closed universe?
A model of the universe in which gravitational force is strong enough to halt its expansion, and reverse the process towards a big crunch.
Define flat universe?
A universe that expands forever, but whose rate of expansion tends to 0 after infinite time.
Explain the causes of the low-density universe and a high-density universe?
Low-density - gravity too weak, tf OPEN UNIVERSE
High-density - gravity strong enough, tf CLOSED UNIVERSE
Define critical density (p0) and give its equation?
The density of the universe that will give rise to a flat universe given by the equation:
p0 = (3H0^2)/8πG
= 9.5 x10^-27 kgm^-3
Why do scientists think that the universe may be flat?
Calculations suggest density is close to p0. Due to it being so close cosmologists believe it may be exactly p0 tf flat universe.
Two problems with calculating universe density?
- lots of matter is unobservable
- difficult to estimate no. of stars and galaxies etc.
Define dark matter?
Matter that emits little ER, making it difficult to detect.
How do we know that dark matter exists?
We know it exists due to its pull on distant galaxies due to gravity
Define dark energy?
A form of energy in the distributed throughout the universe and which may be causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.