Chapter 16 continued Flashcards
What happens to protons in a strong magnetic field?
Most protons line up (N facing S) in a low energy state
The remaining protons line up the other way round, in a high energy state
Define precession?
The movement of the axis of a spinning object (proton) around another axis
What does ‘lining up’ mean?
It refers to the direction which the protons spin
Define Larmor frequency?
The frequency of precession of nuclei in an external magnetic field.
The greater the external magnetic field…? (2)
The greater the difference in energy levels
The larger the excess alignment
What happens once they are all aligned?
They still spin but are out of phase
f0 = ?
Frequency of precession
B0 = ?
External magnetic strength
γ = ?
Gyromagnetic ratio
3 equations for precession?
ω0 = γB0
ω0 = 2πf0
f0 = γB0/2π
Define spin?
A quantum property of many atomic and sub atomic particles. It makes the nuclei of certain atoms behave like tiny magnets when placed in a magnetic field.
Explain stages up to relaxation of photons?
1) protons processing magnetic field are exposed to RF waves whose freq.=freq. of precession. Tf, due to resonance, each proton absorbs a photon and flips into a higher energy state.
2) RF wave stopped, protons gradually return to lower energy state by emitting RF waves.
Explain what T1 and T2 relaxation times are?
T1: spin-lattice relaxation time - energy transferred to surrounding lattice of nearby atoms
T2: spin-spin relaxation time - energy transferred to other spinning nuclei
What’s do the relaxation times depend on?
The environment of the nuclei - for biological materials it depends on the water content
Times for different tissues? (3)
Water/watery tissues (eg. Cerebrospinal fluid) = few seconds)
Fatty tissues = few hundred milliseconds
Cancerous tissues = somewhere in middle
List 5 components of MRI scanners?
Large superconducting magnet RF coil 1 RF coil 2 Set of gradient coils Computer
Explain role of large superconducting magnet?
Produces external magnetic field to align the protons, up to 2T strong. Has to be cooled to 4.2K using liquid helium
Explain the roles of RF coils 1 and 2?
1) transmits RF pulses into body
2) detects signal emitted by relaxing protons
Explain role of set of gradient coils?
Produce additional magnetic field that varies across the body. Ensure that Larmor freq. of nuclei varies across the body, tf only a small part of body is at the right field value for resonance. Tf computer can precisely locate source of RF in patients body.
Explain role of computer?
Controls gradient coils and RF pulses and builds up image of patients body
Basic explanation of MRI? (3 steps)
1) patient lies in bed in electromagnet, field turned on
2) RF transmitted causing protons to flips
3) receiving coils detect RF and image built up on computer
6 advantages of MRI?
No ionising radiation
Non invasive
No moving mechanisms
Patient feels nothing and no after effects
MRI gives better soft tissue contrast than CAT
Computer images generated, and can be viewed as 3D or as slices of body
3 disadvantages of MRI?
MRI shows bone less clearly than CAT scan
Can’t be used on patients with magnetic objects (eg. Surgical objects)
Can also affect pacemakers