Chapter 18- the ear and eye Flashcards
ear nerves
vestibulocochlear nerve
-vestibular branch and cochlear branch
facial nerve
layers of ear
external ear
middle ear
inner ear
external ear
visible portion of the ear -collects and directs sound waves to eardrum auricle external acoustic meatus tympanic membrane
facilitates passage of sound waves into ear
tympanic membrane
transmits sound waves to middle ear
middle ear
located in petrous portion of temporal bone
- amplifies and transmits sound waves to inner ear
- tympanic cavity
- auditory tube
- auditory ossicles
tympanic cavity
air filled space
auditory tube
connects middle ear with nasopharynx
auditory ossicles
-conduct vibrations to inner ear
inner ear
- contains sensory organs for hearing and equilibrium
- cochlea (bony/membranous labrynth, cochlear duct, organ of corti)
- oval window
- round window
- vestibular complex (vestibule, utricle, saccule, semicircular canals (anterior, posterior, lateral)
contains sensory receptors for sound
-bondy and membranous labyrinth, cochlear duct, organ of corti
oval window
small window in cochlear wall where base of stapes is attached
round window
small opening in cochlear wall covered by thin membrane
vestibular complex
provides equilibrium sensations
- consists of vestibule
- -containing urticle and saccule, semicircular canals (anterior, posterior, lateral)
eye glands, ducts, nerves
lacrimal gland
lacrimal sac
nasolacrimal duct
optic nerve
3 tunics
fibrous tunic
vascular tunic
neral tunic
fibrous tunic
outermost, provides support, site of muscle attachment
- sclera (white of eye, insertion of extrinsic muscles)
- cornea (transparent cover over anterior portion of eye)
vascular tunic
middle layer, contains blood vessels and intrinsic eye muscles
- iris
- ciliary body
- choroid
2 layers of smooth muscle that change the diameter of the pupil
- contains pigment cells that determine eye color
- pupil
- pupillary dilatory
- pupillary sphincter
ciliary body
ciliary muscles- attach to lens
suspensory ligaments- connect ciliary muscles to lens
ora serrata
ciliary body contracts to change the shape of lens, extends posteriorly to the ora serrata
neural tunic
innermost layer
- consists of 2 layers: pigmented layer which absorbs light and neural layer which contains visual receptors (rods and cones)
- fovea: highest concentration of cones found in center of macula lutea-site of sharpest vision
- optic disc ( blind spot): place where all axons converge and exit eye as optic nerve, no rods or cones here
- focuses visual image on retina
- divides eye into anterior and posterior cavities
anterior vacity
anterior to lens
- divided into anterior and posterior chambers by iris
- filled with aqueous humor which forms a fluid cushion and transports nutrients and wastes
posterior cavity
- posterior to lens
- filled with vitreous body (humor), a gelatinous mass which helps maintain shape of eye
extrinsic eye muscles
superior and inferior oblique
superior, inferior, medial and lateral rectus