axial skeleton Flashcards
- squamous
- supra-orbital margin
- supra orbital notch or foramen
- lacrimal fossa
what are the cranium bones
frontal (1)
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
Occipital (1)
Sphenoid (1)
Ethmoid (1)
what are the facial bones
mandible (1)
maxilla (2)
palatine (2)
zygomatic (2)
lacrimal (2)
nasal (2)
vomer (1)
inferior nasal concha (2)
sagittal suture
- left/right parietal bone
- occipital bone
- lambdoid suture
- squamous suture
- temporal bone
- mastoid process
- styloid process
- occipital condyle
- external occipital protuberance
- mandible
- right/left parietal
- occipital bone
- lambdoid suture
- sagittal suture
- coronal suture
- zygomatic bone
- fontal bone
- nasal bones
- coronal suture
- frontal bone
- parietal bone
- squamous suture
- lambdoid suture
- occipital bone
- external acoustic meatus
- mastoid process
- sphenoid
- supra orbital foramen
- frontonasal suture
- nasal bone
- lacrimal groove of lacrimal bone
- ethmoid
- infra-orbital foramen
- maxilla
- zygomatic bone
- mental foramen
- mental protuberance
- styloid process
- temporal process of zygomatic bone
–coronal suture
- parietal bone
- supra-orbital foramen
- sphenoid
- temporal bone
- frontonasal suture
nasal bone
optic canal
- superior orbital fissure
- lacrimal bone
- middle nasal concha
- temporal process of zygomatic bone
- inferior nasal concha
- perpendicular plate of ethmoid
- vomer
- mental protuberance
- zygomatic bone
- infra-orbital foramen
- mastoid process
- maxilla
- mental foramen
- mandible
- palatal process of maxilla
- maxilla
- palatine bone
- pterygoid process
- vomer
- foramen ovale
- foramen spinosum
- foramen lacerum
- carotid canal
mastoid process
- occipital condyle
- foramen magnum
- occipital bone
- zygomatic bone
- sphenoid
- mandible fossa
- jugular foramen
- stylid process
- stylomastoid foramen
- temporal bone
- occipitomastoid suture
- lambdoid suture
- superior nuchal line
- external occipital protuberance
- supra-orbital foramen
- supra-orbital margin
- lacrimal fossa
- temporal bone
- squamous part
- external meatus
- mastoid process
- styloid process
- mandibular fossa
- zygomatic process
- zygomatic process
- styloid process
- carotid canal
- jugular fossa
- stylomastoid foramen
- mandibular fossa
- external acoustic meatus
- mastoid process
- mastoid foramen
- zygomatic process
- internal acoustic meatus
- styloid process
- mastoid process
- greater wing
- lesser wing
- optic canal
- foramen ovale
- foramen rotundum
- foramen spinosum
- sella turcica
- superior orbital fissure
- pterygoid process
- ethmoid bone
- cribiform plate with olfactory foramina
- perpendicular plate
- ethmoidal labyrinth
- crist galli
- middle nasal concha
-superior nasal concha
- crista galli
- frontal sinus
- nasal conchae (superior, middle, inferior)
- sphenoidal sinus
- internal acoustic meatus
- jugular foramen
- frontal process
- infra-orbital foramen
- alveolar process
- anterior nasal spine
- palatal process
- incisive canal
- palatine bone
- horizontal plate
- perpendicular plate
- orbital process
- body
- ramus
- head
- condylar process
- coronoid process
- angle
- mental foramen
- alveolar part
- mental protuberance
mandibular foramen
- orbital complex
- frontal bone
- sphenoid
- ethmoid
- maxilla
- palatine
- zygomatic
- lacrimal
- anterior fontanel
- coronal suture
- frontal suture
- sagittal suture
- mastoid fontanel
- sphenoidal fontanel
- coronal suture
- squamous suture
- mastoid fontanel
- body
- vertebral foramen
- transverse process
- spinous process
- super articular process and facet
- inferior articular process and facet
- pedicle
- lamina (inferior view, posterior sided of vertebra)
- cervical vertebra
- transverse foramen
- anterior tubercle
- posterior tubercle
- posterior arch
- anterior arch
- articular facet for dens
- axis
- dens
- thoracic vertebrae
- transverse costal facet
superior/inferior costal facets (for head of ribs
not pictured but required to know^
- lateral sacral crest
- median sacral crest
- sacral hiatus
- sacral canal
- articular process
- articular surface (only on lateral view, not pictured)
- sacrum
- coccyx
- sacral formina
- sacral promontory
- ala
- base
- apex
- body
- manubrium
- xiphoid process
- jugular notch
- head
- neck
- vertebral facets (not shown, but attach to vertebra)
- tubercle
- angle
- body
- costal groove
- articular facets
- frontal sinus
- frontal bone
- crista galli
- cribiform plate
- sella turcica
- parietal bone
- jugular foramen
- foramen magnum
- occipital bone
- sphenoid
- foramen ovale
- foramen spinosum
- carotid canal
- temporal bone
- mastoid foramen
- frontal bone
- coronal suture
- parietal bone
- sphenoidal sinuses
- squamous suture
- lambdoid suture
- occipital bone
- internal acoustic meatus
- jugular foramen
- occipital condyle
- sphenoid
- frontal sinus
- cristal galli
- nasal bone
- perpendicular plate of ethmoid
- vomer
- anterior nasal spine
- maxilla
- palatine bone
- mandible
- occipital bone
- foramen magnum
- occipital condyle
- external occipital crest
- superior nuchal line
- external occipital protuberance
- parietal bone
- parietal eminence
hyoid bone
- verebrosternal (1-7)
- vertebrochondral (8-10)
- vertebral (floating, 11-12)
frontal bone
- squamous part
- supra orbital margin
- supra-orbital notch (or foramen)
- lacrimal fossa
-parietal eminence
temporal bone
–zygomatic process
- mandibular fossa
- external accoustic meatus
- styloid process
- mastoid process
- stylomastoid process
- stylomastoid foramen
- jugular fossa
- carotid canal
- internal accoustic meatus
occipital bone
- foramen magnum
- occipital condules
- external occipital crest
- external occipital protuberance
- superior nuchal line
sphenoid bone
- greater wings
- lesser wings
- superior orbital fissure
- optic canal
- foramen ovale
- foramen rotundum
- foramen spinosum
- pterygoid process
- sella turcica
ethmoid bone
- crista galli
- cribiform plate with olfactory foramina
- perpendicular plate
- ethmoidal labyrinth
- superior and middle nasal conchae
- body
- ramus
- head
- condylar process
- coronoid process
- angle
- mental protuberance
- mental foramen
- mandibular foramen
- alveolar part
- alveolar process
- anterior nasal spine
- frontal process
- palatine process
- infra-orbital foramen
- incisive canal
- horizontal plate
- perpendicular plate
- orbital process
zygomatic bone
- temporal process
- frontal process
lacrimal bone
lacrimal groove
- coronal
- squamous
- lambdoid
- occipitomastoid
- frontonasal
paranasal sinuses
- frontal
- ethmoidal
- sphenoidal
- maxillary
7 bones of orbital complex
- ethmoid
- maxilla
- palatine
- zygomatic
- lacrimal
bones of nasal septum
- Vomer
- ethmoid
4 fontanels
- anterior (jctn. of frontal, sagittal, coronal sutures)
- posterior (jctn. of lambdoid and sagittal sutures)
- sphenoidal (jctn. of squamous & coronal sutures)
- mastoid (jctn of squamous and lambdoid sutures)
common landmarks of C2-L5
- body
- vertebral foramen
- transverse process
- spinous process
- superior articular process and facet
- inferior articular process and facet
- pedicle
- lamina
- intervertebral foramen
cervical vertebra
transverse foramen
- anterior/posterior tubercles
- anterior/posterior arch
- articular facet for dens
- no body or spinous process
typical thoracic vertebra
superior costal facets
- inferior costal facets
- transverse costal facets
lateral sacral crest
- mediam sacral crest
- sacral foramina
- sacral hiatus
- sacral promontory
- ala
- base
- apex
- saxral canal
- articular process
- articular surface
- body
- mnubrium
- xiphoid process
- jugular notch
- head
- articular facets-neck
- tubercle
- angle
- body
costal groove
occipital bone articulates with
- parietal
- temporal bone
- sphenoid
parietal bone articulates with
occipital, frontal, temporal, sphenoid
frontal bone art. with
parietal, nasal, zygomatic, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillae
temporal bone art. with
occipital, parietal, frontal, zygomatic, sphenoid, mandible
sphenoid bone art. with
occipital, frontal, temporal, zygomatic, palatine, maxillae, ethmoid, vomer
ethmoid bone art. with
frontal, nasal, palatine, lacrimal, sphoid, maxilae, vomer
maxillae art. with
frontal, zygomatic, palatine, lacrimal, sphenoid, ethmoid, inferior nasal concha
palatine bone art. with
sphenoid, maxillae, vomer
nasal bones art with
frontal, ethmoid, maxillae
vomer art. with
ethmoid, maxillae, palatine bone
inferior nasal concha art. with
maxillae, palatine
zygomatic bones art with
frontal, temporal, sphenoid, maxillae
lacrimal bones art. with
ethmoid, frontal, maxillae, inferior nasal conchae
mandible art. with
temporal bone