Chapter 18 - Organic evolution; the theorgy and its supporting evidence Flashcards
Define life
living organisms undergo metabolism, maintain homeostasis, possess a capacity to grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce, and through natural selection, adapt to their environment in successive generations
(key words: metabolism, homeostasis (regulation), growth, reproduction
Define species
A Species
is a group of actually or potentially interbreeding individuals
that do not interbreed with other interbreeding groups, and that produce
fertile offspring.
Reproductive barrier;
courtship behaviour
like a peacock shows its tail to other pea hens, attracting them, but it doesn’t work for other species
Reproductive barrier;
mating apparatus
example, penis of one big dog would be too big for vagina of other smaller dog
Reproductive barrier;
egg-sperm incompatibility
that is all
Reproductive barrier;
infertile offspring
horse + donkey can mate and make a mule, but a mule is infertile, so u cant have a generation of mules, so a mule can never be a species
Reproductive barrier;
geographic dislocation
a place like galapogos islands, are quite a distance away from nearest mainland
Reproductive barrier;
psychological barriers
liger/ligon: lion and tiger mate, but usually tigers and lions hate each other. So they have psychological barriers that stop them from mating, although they can breed
What is allopatric speciation via geographic dislocation
occurs when a new species evolves from a small population that become isolated from its parent population
Define phylogenetic tree
or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or “tree” showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny—based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics.
-traditionally,y the tree has 2 main branches; plants and animals
What is? Linean classification
Name them
–system of classification according to shared characteristics into fixed categories–
Species - genus - family - order - class - phylum - kingdom - domain
How we name subspecies:
genus species subspeceis
-so, for humans, it would be homo sapiens sapiens
-our genus is homo, our species is sapiens (human) and our subspecies (‘races’)
define hillis plot
Search Results
A Hillis Plot is a circular diagram that shows the evolutionary relationship between all different life forms. The largest Hillis Plot incorporates about 3,000 species.
two theories of origin of life;
Creation - all life was created as stated in the bible, no evolution
Evolution - life originated from lifeless chemicals, first primitive life forms evolved to more complex life forms
Theory of evolution and convergence of evidence,
and who came up with theory of evolution
top example of all of sciences for convergence of evidence
-CHARLES darwin came up with theory
Sequential morpholigical changees among related life forms through time (dinosaurs –> birds)
ex) wings that look similar:No way to explain this either than a common ancestor
PROOF OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION; homologous structures
similar structures, like humans and cats both have legs.
-homologous strucutres may serve different functions, bt all are composed of same bones, all have similar arangement with respect to other structures
vestigal body parts
all the whales have a remnant of a femur in their body.. They don’t need a pelvic bone, but their ancestor had a pelvic bone.. They are there.. But they have no function
PROOF OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION; similarities between embryos of various texa
all of the embryos look identical initially, then they begin to differentiate through the gestation period.. Only possible if they have a common ancestor originally.
PROOF OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION; Microbial origin of humans
also define cell biology endosymbiosis
endosymbiosis theory:Symbiogenesis,
or endosymbiotic theory, is an evolutionary theory that explains the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotes. It states that several key organelles of eukaryotes originated as a symbiosis between separate single-celled organisms.
-we are nothing but a pile of microbes, and that is mostly evident in the digestive system
-same 22 amino acids in all life forms
-nucleic acids (DNA) in all life forms
-similarities between enzymes l
-enzymes permitting calculation of phylogenetic divergence “molecular clock” l —-> bacteriology / virology
(which agrees with fossil record) l
Evolution is happening all the time before our eyes!
(we see evolution of virus/bacteria)
PROOF OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION; Psychology / behaviour
Gorillas and man!! Common behaviour
PROOF OF THEORY OF EVOLUTION; Mathematical modeling
- calculating the chances of rival evolutionary theories
- u can prove biological evolution with mathematical modeling
What are the earliest life forms?
- the earliest life forms from which everything originated are microbes that like warm temperatures
- so now we go to the places where it was hot when the earth was formed