Chapter 18 Communication Flashcards
Chapter 18
What is communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- Messages passed along in a business through a medium such as a letter or an email
- Messages must: be accurate; be sent to the right people; be sent at the right time; and be sent using the right method
Chapter 18
What are the two parties (people) involved in communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- Sender
* Receiver
Chapter 18
In order to ensure that a message has been received, what should you ask for?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• Feedback from the receiver to the sender
Chapter 18
What is internal communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• Communication that takes place within a business
Chapter 18
What is external communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• Takes place between the business and someone from outside the business
Chapter 18
What is the channel of communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• The ways that information passes from sender to receiver
Chapter 18
What are the two main channels of communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- Horizontal communication
* Vertical communication
Chapter 18
What is horizontal communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
A type of formal communication. This occurs when workers at the same level in a business communicate formally with each other.
Chapter 18
What is vertical communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
A type of formal communication. This is communication that goes up and down the hierarchy of the business
Chapter 18
What is formal communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• The communication channels which are recognised and approves by a business
Chapter 18
What is informal communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
• When channels of communication are used that are not approved by the business, sometimes known as the grapevine (or gossip / chat)
Chapter 18
What are the barriers to effective communication within a business?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- Poor explanation by the sender
- Too much / use of jargon
- Communication structure too complex
- Poor equipment e.g. IT failure
- Insufficient communication (too little information)
- Contradictory communication (where different things are said about the same topic)
- Excessive communication (too much information)
Chapter 18
What are the impacts of poor communication on a business?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- that mistakes can be made
- the customers may become dissatisfied
- that decision making can be too slow
Chapter 18
What are the problems of excessive communication on a business?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- that mistakes can be made
- poor productivity
- poor motivation
- Higher unit costs
Chapter 18
Why is good communication important to a company?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- it increases productivity
- it increases motivation
- it reduces mistakes
- it increases productivity
- it increases motivation
Chapter 18
Why are the benefits to a business of improved communication?
Edexcel 2BS01 Business Studies GCSE Unit 3.4
- Lower costs
- Improve efficiency / productivity
- Fewer mistakes
- Increased motivation
- Business becomes more responsive to change
- Improved customer satisfaction / brand image