Chapter 18 Flashcards
definitions: ecology
the study of interactions between organisms and their environments
definitions: population
same species in same place at the same time
definitions: community
all organisms in same place
definitions: ecosystem
community + physical environment (aka abiotic factors)
What abiotic factors affect species distribution of the biosphere?
-nutrients : soils, rocks (as substate; minerals)
-water : rainfall, on land → threat of desiccation
-energy source : sunlight
-temp : range of 0C-45C
-wind : creates ocean currents; pollen carried by wind
Define Biomes
major types of ecosystems that cover large geographic ares (aquatic, terrestrial)
What determines the distribution of terrestrial biomes?
-climate : temperature; rainfall or physical features (mountains)
-main type of vegetation
Describe the Chaparral biome of Southern California (p. 388) in terms of climate, vegetation (adaptations to drought). How are fires beneficial? What happens if they are prevented?
-mediterranean climate
-summers : hot, dry + long → periods of a drought + fires
-winter : mild + some rain → due to moderating effects of near ocean
-vegetations : dense, spiny evergreen shrubs adapted to periods of drought + fires
Describe carbon dioxide emissions,
CO2 emissions → increase in CO2 since Industrial Revolution (1850’s)
-sources global warming
- 80% burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gasoline); 20% deforestation
-for the last 650,000 years CO2 > 300 ppm (need to keep at ~ 350 ppm; now at >426 ppm)
-the problem: increase in CO2 and greenhouse gases
the greenhouse effect
-act like a blanket of insulation to trap the solar radiation
-EX: CO2, methane (landfills, decomposing bacteria & cattle belch methane), and water vapor clouds and contrails
global warming
big concern: climate change is so rapid that many species may not be able to adapt
What are the possible long-term effects? (carbon emission)
-predict CO2 levels will double by the end of this century
-increase in average global temp (by 15C by 2030)
-warming greatest at poles → melting of polar ice → increase in sea levels by 100 m (330ft) → costal flooding
What can be done? (carbon emission)
-need action on a global scale
1. decrease greenhouse gas emissions → global effects
2. renewable energy sources → solar, wind, nuclear power, biofuels
3. remove CO2; ex: green concrete, “ocean seeding”
How are the oceans affected by excess CO2?
- pH decreases which increases in acidity in the ocean (100x faster than at any time in the geological past)
-> potential problem for marine organisms may not be able to form their shells or exoskeletons (calcification can’t happen)
How are the oceans affected by heat trapped by greenhouse gasses?
More than 90% of heat is trapped from greenhouse gases that raises sea levels (water expands as heated)
Describe depletion of atmospheric ozone.
Since 1950s, decrease in ozone due to CFCs => in refrigerators, AC’s, aerosols
what are the effects of depletion of atmospheric ozone.
- predict an increase in skin cancer + cataracts
- damage to frog eggs
- damage to phytoplankton -> supplies more than or equal to 50% of O2 to our atmosphere
what has been done about depletion of atmospheric ozone.
What has been done:
- in 1987, agreed to end CFC production by 2010 => Ozone degradation has slowed down, but will continue to degrade for at least a century