Chapter 18 Flashcards
Defined as A = log(Po/P), where Po is the radiant power of light (power per unit area) striking the sample on one side and P is the radiant power emerging from the other side. Also called optical density
Absorbance, A
A graph of absorbance of light versus wavelength, frequency, or wavenumber
Absorption spectrum
Relates the absorbance, A, of a sample to its concentration, c, pathlength, b, and molar asorbitivity, ε: A = εbc
Beer’s law
The part of a molecule responsible for absorption of light of a particular frequency
A cell with transparent walls used to hold samples for spectrophotometeric measurements
The whole range of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, X rays, etc
Electromagnetic spectrum
Any state of an atom or a molecule having more than the minimum possible energy
Excited state
The number of cycles per unit time for a repetitive event
Frequency (n)
State of an atom or a molecule with the minimum possible energy
Ground state
Process of adding a chemical substance (a masking agent) to a sample to prevent one or more components from interfering in a chemical analysis
Constant of proportionality in Beer’s law: A = εbc, where A is absorbance, b is pathlength, and c is the molarity of the absorbing species; tells us how much sight is absorbed at a particular wavelength by a particular substance. Also called extinction coefficient
Molar absorptivity (ε)
Light with a very narrow range of wavelengths (“one color”)
Monochromatic light
A device (usually a grating or prism) that disperses light into its component wavelengths and selects a narrow band of wavelengths go pass through the exit slit
A solution prepared from all of the reagents except analyte; measures the response of the analytical method to impurities in the reagents or any other effects caused by any component other than the analyte; is not subjected to all preparation steps before analysis
Reagent blank
One in which absorption or emission of light is used to monitor the progress of the titration reaction and to find the equivalence point
Spectrophotometric titration
In a broad sense, any method using light to measure chemical concentrations
The fraction of incident radiation that passes through a sample. Defined as T = P/Po, where Po is the radiant power of light striking the sample on one side and P is the radiant power of light emerging from the other side of the sample
Transmittance (T)
Distance between consecutive crests of a wave
Wavelength (λ)
Addition of a known compound (usually at a known concentration) to an unknown. In isotope dilution mass spectrometry, the spike is the added, unusual isotope
A technique in which an analytical signal due to an unknown is direst measured. Then a known quantity of analyte is added, and the increase in signal is recorded. From the response, it is possible to calculate what quantity of analyte was in the unknown
Standard additions method
A change in analytical signal caused by anything in the sample other than analyte
Matrix effect