Chapter 17-Therapeutic Procedure Flashcards
Therapeutic procedure
The process of acquiring concise medical history, assessment procedures to determine constricted and painful conditions, developing treatment plans, performing appropriate treatment practices to address the conditions more specifically, and evaluating the results.
Four basic steps of therapeutic procedure:
Reviewing any information available at the onset of the process to understand the present conditions.
Information gained from the assessment is used to set treatment goals, determine strategies, and select therapeutic techniques to address the specific conditions found during the assessment.
The actual application of the selected techniques.
Examines the outcome of the session in regard to the effectiveness of the selected procedure for the condition.
Subjective pain scale
Useful tool to assess the relative discomfort that a client experiencing. Can be used both to describe pain before and after a massage and during certain treatment modalities. A six or a seven rating is ideal for achieving the greatest therapeutic value.
A pattern or manner of walking.
Gait assessment
Observing the manner in which a person walks to determine constrictions or related conditions.
Range of motion
The movement of a joint from one extreme of the articulation to the other.
Contractile tissues
The fibrous tissues that have tensions placed on them during muscular contractions and include muscle tissue, tendons and the muscle attachments.
Inert tissues
The tissues that are not contractile such as bone, ligament, or nerves.
End feel
The change in the quality of the movement as the end of the movement is achieved.
Capsular pattern
The proportional limitation of any joint that is controlled by muscular contractions.
Order of assessment of range of motion
Active then Passive then resisted.
Order of movement assessment
Active, passive, resisted.
Active movement assessment
Client makes the movement totally unassisted through the range of motion that is normal for the joint. This utilizes both contract out and in her tissues.
Passive movement assessment
The practitioner moves the joint through its normal range of motion. Practitioner can sense hyper mobility or hypo mobility.therapist can also note catches, crepitus, or pain.
During passive movement assessment if there is pain before reaching the end of the movement without muscular resistance or spasm
Bursitis or capsulitis may be involved
During passive assessment movement causes a sudden painful muscle reaction or spasm
The body might be protecting an injury in the area. The more acute injury, the more severe the pain and spasm. Medical referral and diagnosis should be recommended.
Passive movement assessment
Indicates the condition of the inert noncontractile tissues.
Reduced range of motion during passive movement assessment that is limited but they painless, hard bone to bone and feel.
Pain and limitation in all directions during passive movement assessment and generally involve the whole joint.
Capsulitis or arthritis.
Pain or limitation in one direction and not another during passive movement assessment
Usually caused by stretching or compressing the involved tissue. More specific assessment must be performed to isolate involved tissue.