Chapter 17 - Blood Flashcards
Blood consists of ___ and ____.
plasma; formed elements
Formed elements are:
living blood cells suspended in plasma
The different formed elements in blood are:
- erythrocytes
- leukocytes
- platelets
Erythrocytes are
red blood cells
Leukocytes are
white blood cells
Centrifugal spinning of a blood sample in a test tube yields three layers:
- Plasma on top (~55%)
- Buffy coat (WBCs and platelets) (< 1%)
- Erythrocytes on bottom (~45%)
The hematocrit is:
The percent of blood volume that is RBCs
Blood colour varies with oxygen content. If it has high O2, the colour is
Blood colour varies with oxygen content. If it has low O2, the colour is
dark red
The pH of blood is:
Blood is approximately how much of body weight?
The different functions of blood include:
- Distributing substances
- Regulating blood levels of substances
- Protection
Different distribution functions of blood:
- Delivering O2 and nutrients to body cells
- Transporting metabolic wastes to lungs and kidneys for elimination
- Transporting hormones from endocrine organs to target organs
Different regulation functions of blood:
- Maintaining body temperature by absorbing and distributing heat
- Maintaining normal pH using buffers
- Maintaining adequate fluid volume in circulatory system
Different protection functions of blood:
- Preventing blood loss
2. Preventing infection
____ and ____ initiate clot formation.
Plasma proteins; platelets
Blood plasma as over 100 dissolved solutes. The different solutes are
- nutrients
- gases
- hormones
- wastes
- plasma proteins
- inorganic ions
The most abundant solutes in the blood plasma are
plasma proteins
Plasma proteins:
- remain in blood; are not taken up by cells
2. are produced mostly by liver
Plasma proteins consist of:
- 60% albumin
- 36% globulins
- 4% fibrinogen
The different functions of albumin are:
- Substance carrier
- Blood buffer
- Major contributor of plasma osmotic pressure
Platelets are _____.
cell fragments
Most formed elements survive in the bloodstream for:
only a few days
Most blood cells originate in:
the bone marrow
Physical characteristics of erythrocytes:
- Biconcave shape–huge surface area relative to volume
- 97% hemoglobin for gas (mostly O2) transport
- anucleate
- no organelles or mitochondria
- contains plasma membrane protein spectrin and other proteins
- do not consume O2 they transport
ATP production in RBCs is through ___ means.
This plasma protein provides flexibility to RBCs to change shape.
The hemoglobin structure consists of:
- globin
2. heme pigment
Globin is composed of:
2 alpha and 2 beta chains (4 polypeptide chains)
____ is bonded to each globin chain in hemoglobin.
heme pigment; gives blood its red colour
Heme and hemoglobin’s functions:
- heme has a central iron atom that binds one O2
2. each hemoglobin molecule can transport four O2
Each RBC contains approximately ____ hemoglobin molecules.
250 million
O2 loading in lungs produces:
oxyhemoglobin (ruby red)
O2 unloading in tissues produces:
deoxyhemoglobin (reduced hemoglobin) (dark red)
When CO2 loads in tissues:
20% of CO2 in blood binds to hemoglobin, which produces carbaminohemoglobin
Blood cells form in _____.
red bone marrow
Blood cell formation in red bone marrow is composed of:
- reticular connective tissue
2. blood sinusoids
blood cell formation
Blood cell formation is found in:
- axial skeleton
- girdles
- proximal epiphyses of humerus and femur
New blood cells in hematopoiesis enter:
blood sinusoids
Aspects of hematopoietic stem cells (hemocytoblasts) in hematopoiesis:
- they give rise to all formed elements
- hormones and growth factors push cell toward specific pathway of blood cell development
- committed blood cells can not change
The stages of erythropoiesis:
- myeloid stem cell is transformed into proerythroblast
- in 15 days proerythroblast develops into basophilic erythroblast
- then into polychromatic erythroblast
- then orthochromatic erythroblast
- then reticulocytes
- reticulocytes then enter bloodstream, and in 2 days become mature RBC
In erythropoiesis, as myeloid stem cell transforms:
- ribosomes are synthesised
- hemoglobin is synthesised; iron accumulates
- nucleus is ejected; reticulocyte is formed (young RBC)
After reticulocyte is formed from erythropoiesis:
reticulocyte ribosomes are degraded, then the erythrocyte becomes mature
Reticulocyte count indicates:
rate of RBC formation
Too few RBCs leads to:
tissue hypoxia
Too many RBCs leads to:
increased blood viscosity
Balance between RBC production and destruction depends on:
- hormonal controls
2. adequate supplies of iron, amino acids, and B vitamins
Erythropoiesis is controlled by the hormone:
erythropoietin (EPO)
Erythropoietin has a low number in blood to maintain:
basal rate
Depressed production of erythropoietin is caused by:
high RBC or O2 levels
EPO is released by ____in response to ____.
kidneys; hypoxia
Dialysis patients have how much RBC?
low RBC counts
Causes of hypoxia:
- decreased RBC numbers due to hemorrhage or increased destruction
- insufficient hemoglobin per RBC (iron deficiency)
- reduced availability of O2 (high altitudes)
What are the effects of EPO?
- Rapid maturation of committed marrow cells
2. Increased circulating reticulocyte count in 1-2 days
Athletic abuse of artificial EPO leads to:
higher RBC counts and thicker blood
Dietary requirements for erythropoiesis:
- nutrients
- iron
- vitamin B12 and folic acid
Nutrients required for erythropoiesis:
- amino acids
- lipids
- carbohydrates
Where is iron found?
65% in hemoglobin; the rest is found in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow
Free iron ions:
- are toxic
- iron ions are stored in cells as ferritin and hemosiderin
- iron transported in blood is bound to protein transferrin
vitamin B12 and folic acid is necessary for:
DNA synthesis for rapidly dividing cells (developing RBCs)
Life span of an erythrocyte:
100-120 days
Dying erythrocytes circulate to:
the spleen; macrophages engulf dying RBCs in the spleen
When erythrocytes die, heme and globin are separated, and what results?
- Iron is salvaged for reuse
- Heme is degraded to yellow pigment bilirubin
- the liver secretes bilirubin in bile into the intestines
- globin is metabolised into amino acids
When the liver secretes bilirubin into the intestines:
- bilirubin is degraded to the pigment urobilinogen
2. urobilinogen leaves the body in feces as stercobilin
After globin is metabolised into amino acids:
the amino acids are released into circulation
Characteristics of anemia:
- blood has abnormally low O2-carrying capacity
- blood O2 levels can not support normal metabolism
- accompanied by fatigue, pallor, shortness of breath, and chills
The three causes of anemia:
- blood loss
- low RBC production
- high RBC destruction
Causes of anemia, blood loss:
- acute hemorrhagic anemia
2. chronic hemorrhagic anemia
Causes of anemia, low RBC production:
- iron-deficiency anemia
- pernicious anemia
- renal anemia
- aplastic anemia
Causes of anemia, high RBC destruction:
- hemolytic anemia
- thalassemias
- sickle cell anemia
Aspects of acute hemorrhagic anemia
- rapid blood loss (e.g., stab wound)
2. treated by blood replacement
aspect of chronic hemorrhagic anemia
slight but persistent blood loss due to hemorrhoids or bleeding ulcer
Iron deficiency anemia is caused by:
- hemorrhagic anemia
- low iron intake
- impaired absorption
RBCs in iron-deficiency anemia are
monocytic, hypochromic
Iron-deficiency anemia is treated by
iron supplements
Pernicious anemia is what kind of disease?
autoimmune; destroys stomach mucosa
Pernicious anemia is caused by lack of:
intrinsic factor needed to absorb B12, which leads to deficiency of vitamin B12
In pernicious anemia, RBCs:
can not divide; leads to macrocytes