chapter 17 Flashcards
is the professional whose dental specialty is caring for children’s teeth
Extra teeth are called
supernumerary or epactal teeth
unusually small teeth
unusually large teeth
Macrodontia Also called megalodontia (megal-odont-ia)
no formation of tooth (absent tooth)
Tooth aplasia
dental crown develops in an area that should be pulp space. This is a ‘tooth within a tooth’
Dens in dente
joining of 2 or more teeth as a single unit.
Concrescence or fusion
tooth division, resulting in two crowns on one root
Gemination: (not germination)
development of imperfect and minimal amount of dentin that can easily fracture
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
deficient amount and defective enamel development.
Amelogenesis imperfecta Also called enamel dysplagia May also be called enamelogenesis
gingival benign tumour-like mass.
gingival abscess Commonly called a ‘gumboil’
Parulis: gingival abscess (plural is parulides).
inflammation of tissue cells
tumour made up of dental material. Cementum, pulp, dentin and enamel that may or may not be shaped in the form of a tooth
stiff and crooked bony joint, where the bone meets with the tooth’s radicular surface (root area), causing retention of a deciduous tooth
abnormally large gap between two adjacent teeth, may or may not be the result of an enlarged labial frenum
unusually small lips
purple tongue discoloration with edema, due to riboflavin deficiency (vitamin B2)
Magenta tongue
benign tumour on any oral surface
small, firm, grain-like inflammatory lesion/growth
benign mucous cyst
translucent cyst on the tongue’s undersurface or the floor of the mouth, in the sub-lingual salivary duct
Ranula May also be called sialocele
common wart
Verruca vulgaris
proper nutrition, effective brushing and flossing, eliminating habits such as thumb sucking
treatment of bacterial and viral infections
Basic interventions
treatment of vitamin deficiencies
Prophylactic measures
repair of enamel by reducing tooth crevices to allow for easier cleaning at home
acrylic coating placed in pits and fissures, used to preserve enamel and curtail decay
appliances to correct tooth grinding, thumb sucking. May also include devices that maintain spaces between teeth the correction of orthodontic anomalies
to correct conditions, such as ankyloglossia, papilloma, odontoma, and abnormal freni (plural of frenum)
Oral surgery
Match up an item in the first column with an item from the second column. Each term is only used once
\_\_\_\_ gumboil a) ranula \_\_\_\_ out of socket b) aplasia \_\_\_\_ common wart c) magenta tongue \_\_\_\_ no teeth d) avulsion \_\_\_\_ missing tooth e) epactal \_\_\_\_ sialocele f) luxation \_\_\_\_ low B12 g) verruca vulgaris \_\_\_\_ extra tooth h) parulis \_\_\_\_ benign mass i) anodontia \_\_\_\_ loose tooth j) epulis
H, D, G, I, B, A, C, E, J, F
Dentinogenesis imperfect has ____
a) weak dentin
b) black dentin
c) no dentin
d) no pulp, only dentin
Broken enamel can be corrected with ____
a) enamostasis
b) enamorrhagia
c) enamoalgia
d) enamoplasty
Why are sealants applied to deciduous teeth?
a) to limit dental growth
b) to straighten teeth
c) to curtail decay
d) to prevent gemination
A fractured tooth is one that is ____
a) discoloured
b) avulsed
c) broken
d) hyperdontic
Ankyloglossia can be corrected with ____
a) surgery
b) dental restoration
c) enamoplasty
d) proper nutrition
. The most common pediatric dental condition due to poor nutrition is ____
a) gemination
b) dens in dente
c) supernumerary teeth
d) carious lesions
Which of the following is a prophylactic measure?
a) surgery
b) dental extraction
c) improved eating habits
d) orthodontics
Which of the following has a cariogenic effect?
a) candy
b) fluoride
c) eggs
d) vegetables
Macrodontia may be called megalodontia or ____
a) hyperodontitis
b) polydentalgia
c) megadontia
d) supradontia
The child complaining of a toothache has ____
a) dentopenia
b) odontocide
c) odontorrhea
d) dentalgia
Diastema can be a gap between
a) a molar and a canine tooth
b) a molar and an incisor tooth
c) a pre-molar and an incisor
d) two incisor teeth
. Dens in dente is a tooth
a) that decays quickly
b) that bleeds easily
c) that breaks easily
d) within a tooth
Which of the following has a cariostatic effect?
a) fluoride
b) fruit pie
c) chocolate
d) soft drinks
Macrocheilitis is the term used for ____
a) dental tumours
b) several inflamed cysts
c) large inflamed lips
d) a large tongue
What is the dental term for ‘tongue-tied’? ____________________________
The dentist who specializes in children’s teeth is called a ________________
Other than ‘fusion’, what term means the joining of two teeth as one unit? ______________________________
What term describes two crowns joined on one root? ____
What term describes unusually small teeth? __________________________